Chapter 14

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Yugyeom was bored sitting in his room by himself. He exited off Instagram and opened his contacts. He clicked on "Bammie <3" and put his phone up to his ear waiting for his best friend to pick up. 

He got bored listening to the ring and was about to give up when a familiar voice sounded through the speaker. "Hey, whats up?"

Yugyeom noticed that he sounded kind of irritated, like he was just in the middle of doing something. "Um, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out? I'm hella bored."

 "I would, but I'm busy right now. Maybe later."

"Oh ok. What are you doing?" Yugyeom tried to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"Nothing super important." He whispered something to someone he was with. "Uh, well I got to go now. Talk to you later." He hung up before Yugyeom could say anything.

Yugyeom sighed in defeat. That was weird. He would have to ask BamBam about it later. He went back to his contacts and pressed on Mark's name.

He answered after a couple rings. "Yo dude! What do you need?"

Yugyeom smiled. "Do you want to hang out?"

"Yeah of course! Do you want me to come over there?"

"Yeah sure that works."

"Okay, I'll be over in a few. Bye!"

"Bye!" Yugyeom smiled. Well at least someone wanted to hang out with him.

Yugyeom went back to scrolling Instagram until Mark opened his bedroom door. "Sup bitch," Mark was wearing a lavender hoodie and some ripped jeans. He plopped down onto the bed next to Yugyeom. 

"I'm surprised you weren't busy with Jinyoung," Yugyeom laughed. 

"I am going over there later. You should come."

Yugyeom sucked in a breath. "I would but Algebra is really kicking my ass. I seriously need to study."

"Fair enough. I should invite BamBam then," he joked.

"Good luck with that. I tried talking to him earlier but he was 'busy.' He's been really distant lately, like I feel like I haven't had a real conversation with him in a year."

Mark frowned. "Jackson's been kind of like that too. I wonder what the hell has been bothering them." 

Yugyeom shrugged. He then stood to go sit on his beanbag chair in the corner of his room. "Do you think we should ask them about it?"

"I don't know. Let's just see how they are at school tomorrow."

Yugyeom nodded in agreement. He thought they should do at least something rather than sitting around, so he grabbed two controllers and tossed one to Mark. "Up for some fortnite?"

Mark grinned. "Hell yeah." The two set up the game and started playing. 

About half way through, Mark mumbled something about it being hot as fuck in Yugyeom's room, so he stood up to take off his sweatshirt.

The shirt he had underneath stuck to the hoodie and exposed some of his stomach and ribs.

Oh shit. Yugyeom pretended like he hadn't seen anything and went back to focusing on his game as Mark sat back in his chair. Had he seen wrong? No there was no way. 

When the game was done, Yugyeom decided to text Jinyoung.


hey, mark is coming over there later right?

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