The Beginning

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Izuku sniffled as he sat up from where Kacchan left him laying on the ground after he finished fighting him. "Why does he have to be so mean?" Izuku mumbled as he struggled to get up on wobbly legs. He walked slowly to his favorite yellow backpack that was cast aside during the whole incident. He stood up for someone else and got beat down by Kacchan and his other two 'friends'

"When did Kacchan become so mean?' He thought even though he already knew the answer.

He was quirkless. There was nothing he could do he was part of 20% of the world that didn't have quirks. The teachers didn't listen to him, and no one believes he could be a hero. He was stuck in a world where no one thought he was important. Except his mom, his mom loved him with all her heart, but even she doesn't want him to be a hero. She was very worried he might get hurt, and he was beginning to understand since she is so protective of him. He smiled, he really did love his mom.

He grabbed his backpack and started walking in the direction of his house. He didn't bother lugging it onto his shoulders because he knew it would hurt if he did something like that.

He walked slowly past an alley to hear a small whimper come from an area of trash bags. He stopped when he heard that sound to look over to a pile of trash bags with a small cardboard box laying in the middle of the pile. 'That seems to be where the sound is coming from' he thought as he ventured closer. Izuku walked over to the cardboard box that seemed to move slightly at the sound of him coming closer.

Gulping down his fear, he opened the top of the box to see a little puppy curled up against the a corner. Her muzzle is squared-off, she has a black nose with the accompany black mask that covered around her mouth, and she has cute eyes that are dark brown. Her ears are small and thin, that hang close to her cheeks. Her tan coat is really short and dense and she has small white markings on her chest and feet. He cooed at the puppy, wondering why anyone would do such a thing. The puppy looked to be very young, but he got his answers when he looked at the lonely puppy.

She only had three legs, she missing the the back left leg. And when he peered at her face a little longer there seemed to be a small scratch like scar across her face. He looked down at the puppy, who was rejected for the way they are, and saw himself. Izuku looked at the puppy's large sad eyes and made a decision he knew he wouldn't regret.

Inko opened the door at the special three knocks her son gives. She wondered what took him so long, 'Was he playing a little longer in the playground with Mitsuki's boy?' She asked herself, while a small voice doubted that was what really happened.

What she saw was her son seeming to try to keep hold of an excited Tosa Inu puppy. Her son was laughing and smiling as the small dog try to lick every inch of his face.

Inko smiled at the sight. Izuku noticed his mom in the doorway and automatically shifted his attention to her, "Hey mom, I found her on the way home. She... she was in a box in an alley, but I saved her. C-can we keep her?" Izuku asked his mom as the puppy focused its attention to licking his fingers.

She took one look at her sons pleading face and a glance at the small puppy huddled against his chest. She sighed and smiled once again, "You have to take care of her she is a big responsibility."

"Of course I will! I will train her and walk her around the park. And give her lots of belly rubs!" Izuku promised as the puppy tried to once again lick every inch of his face. He laughed at the puppy's antic before looking at his mom. "I promise to take good care of her!"

"Alright, come on in. I'm making some ramen tonight, but let's go to the grocery store to buy some dog food and supplies first." Inko said as she gathered her coat, phone, keys and wallet before joking her son outside. She locked the door before all three of them headed toward the pet store.

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