Chapter 25 - There For You

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Irene's P.O.V.

I woke up, seeing bright lights on the ceiling. I slowly rose from the bed that I was laying down on and saw my father sitting on a chair beside me, sleeping. I held my head as I tried to remember what happened a few minutes ago. My head started hurting that time and my vision got blurry...Guess I might've fainted.

I gently touched my father's shoulder, trying to wake him up. His eyes opening, expression quickly looked like he was shock to see me up. "J-Joohyun..good to know that y-you're awake. alright?" He said, concerned. I was kind of weirded out when  I heard him ask that since he rarely shows any of these acts. He was genuinely concerned by my health. I nodded my head and said "Yeah..I'm fine."

He just showed a small smile and stood up, welcomed by the doctor. I looked at the both of them as they have discuss some stuff that I couldn't hear properly. 

I tried to get up and walked towards them, saying ''I'm checking my mother. Bye.." I left the room that I was in before even letting them respond. My mind travelled to a lot of things because of what's happening. Who would do such a thing?  Once I reached the floor where my mother's room was located, I rushed and opened to see her there, laying on the bed, eyes closed, bruises and bandages all over her body. The room was quiet as I slowly walked towards her, my tears streaming down my face. I kneeled on the floor and held her hand. 

"Hey eomma..." I placed my forehead on her hand "I'm here now.." My voice cracked, my heart in pain. It made me really weak. I couldn't stop my tears. I wasn't like the type to be crying right now but, I just...couldn't help myself. It hurted like hell. Seeing your loved one like this, who wouldn't cry?

A few more minutes, my tears finally stopped coming down as I heard my phone ringing. I sat down on the chair and grabbed my phone from my pocket. It was Jin...

I decided to not answer it. I can't talk right now...I just hope he understands.

I took a deep breath and placed my phone on my lap. My eyes still on my mother as I heard the door open, revealing my father. He closed the door and walked towards my mother. "Did the person that did this to her got caught already?" I asked, my tone was low. I couldn't show my weakness to my father. He faced me and sighed. "Not yet...but, the police are trying their best to find---"

"Are they even trying though?" I fired back, my blood boiling, knowing that a$$hole's still roaming around Seoul. He sat beside me, crossed arms. "They are..Calm down, Joohyun..You shouldn't be stressed about this. Just focus on your studies----" I cutted him off again as I stood from my chair and said "How would I remain calm after this!?"

He massaged his temples and leaned is back on the wall. "Just visit later once you've cooled down.." He said, staring at my eyes directly. His eyes looked tired and his hair looked like a mess. I was holding a shout and walked towards the door, clenching my fists. Before going out, I faced him again and said "This is such bullsh*t..Appa." And left.

I was so mad that some people woud even give way for me when I walk pass them. I arrived at the parking lot and entered my car. I closed the door and began shouting because of frustration. 


Whole week was a mess. I had to rush things with my projects in class, had to skip breakfast a few times to finish some of the things I needed to do and I couldn't get much sleep. I also kept cancelling the plans that Jin wanted to do with me so, I can visit my mother every time my classes would be over. It was making me very stressed. Especially because my dad hasn't updated me about the case. It was now Friday, I just got done passing my paper to the professor, my head aching since I haven't ate breakfast and lunch yet and I'm already heading to the hospital. 

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