Chapter 6 - Growing Feelings

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Irene's P.O.V.


My stomach's growling! I haven't eaten anything at all today. I'm gonna die. Jin and I are currently in my bedroom trying to look for an umbrella. We ain't giving up of course! And I know I have one. I just can't remember where I last saw it in here. My stomach started to make a sound again. Gosh..I'm hungry.

"You hungry? I've been hearing your stomach make noises for the past 10 minutes." Jin spoke up. I faced him and crossed my arms. "Well my stomach wouldn't make a sound if you let me eat breakfast." I said.

"Then go eat already. Seriously, you're just making yourself suffer." He said and opened the door. He pointed his fingers, making it look like he wants me to go down and eat something. "How? No one prepared anything for me." I answered him. He facepalmed. "You're already a senior yet you expect people to do things for you? Unbelievable." He blurted. I rolled my eyes.

I didn't have the energy to answer him back and just walked out of the room as I hear his footsteps following me. We made it in my kitchen as I looked at Jin again.

"So, what now?" I asked him. "You cook." He said. But, I don't know how to cook! I'm doomed.

"Do you know how?" He added. I just shook my head and saw him sigh. He went towards our fridge as I tilt my head, trying to see what he's up to. He grabbed a few ingredients from the fridge and placed it on the counter. "You like Tteok-bokki?" He asked me which made me excited. OMG! DOES HE KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT! That's my favourite food!

'Calm down, Irene. You need to play it cool.' I thought.

I just simply nodded my head and said "Eh..It's fine I guess."

He seemed to understand and went close to me. "Then I'll cook Tteok-bokki. Wanna help?" He asked me. "If you want me too----" I didn't finish saying what I wanted to say because of what he did. He put an apron on me without my permission and casually prepared the ingredients again. I noticed his ears were turning red too, he must've been embarrassed to what he just did.

'Idiot.' I thought.

Jin's P.O.V.

"So, you're just gonna stand there?" I asked her as she quickly went close to me and asked "Ugh..what do you need help with?"

She was so close that our arms touched which made me feel weird. It made me nervous and bothered. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous? Both of us are here...alone in her house. Just the TWO OF US!

"Hey Jin!" She yelled at my ear which made me go back to reality. "Y-Yeah??" I asked her.

"You spaced out. You keep on spacing out today. Is your brain cells almost gone too?" She asked me which made me smile and just shook my head. "Nope. U-Uhm..anyways, you can just make the garnish. It won't be that hard." I said to her.

I started doing the things that I needed to do and after finishing those, I glance at what Joohyun's doing. She looked really nervous when chopping those green onions. It made me smile while looking at her.

Cute...I-I MEAN NOT CUTE! NOT AT ALL! I shook my head and erase those thoughts. brain keeps on messing with me when I'm around her.

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