twenty two

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Over the next few days all Octavia did was cry. She headed over to his house a few time to try and clear his stuff, but in the end she couldn't even get through the front door without a break down. Almost every person she loved was taken from her. It was late evening when Tommy returned.

"Come here." He said spotting that she was still crying. She stood up slowly and fell into his arms. They tightened round her as she stayed there for minutes, simply sobbing into his chest. He sat on the small bed with Octavia's head resting on his shoulder. "Have you gotten up today?" He whispered. She shook her head. Tommy sighed and stood up, walking into the bathroom to run a bath. He came back and sat in the exact same position.

Octavia wondered now Tommy managed to come with so much trauma in his life. "How was your day?" She asked. She had a croaky voice from not using it for a while.

"It was productive. We are going to sign Bonnie for boxing. It'll give us extra cash for doing nothing. I spoke to Polly yesterday aswell. She said she's going to come back as company treasurer." Tommy explained striking her hair.

"Alright." She said.

Tommy exhaled before picking her up and moving her into the bathroom. He undressed her and placed her in the bath water. He then brought over a stool and sat on it next to her, holding her hand as she laid with her eyes closed, tears streaming out.

He'd seen her upset before, but never like this. Her eyes were so swollen and her hair notty. Her face still had makeup on, left over from days ago.

He got a cup and put his hand behind her back, lifting her up. He poured water over her head and managed to wash her hair and body. Once finished he dried her off and changed her, placing her in the bed. He then changed himself and got into bed too. He pulled her close. "Sleep well I love you." He whispered, before drifting to sleep himself.

The next morning he woke her up and asked her to get ready for the day. Which she did. Octavia still wore black in memory, but had decided she needed to continue with her life.

At the hospital Micheal was stationed Tommy and Octavia sat round a table. Micheal also joined, sitting in the wheel chair once the other women had arrived. "Where's Arthur?" Tommy asked.

"Do I look like his fucking mother?" Polly spat back, placing her coat on the back of a chair and sitting down.

They waited 15 minutes for Arthur before deciding to start. "Right." Tommy said standing to his feet. He picked up one of the files and started handing out papers. "Before we start this extraordinary general meeting of the board of the Shelby company limited, I would like to note the absence of the Deputy Vice President who has not yet arrived." He said putting out his cigarette. "We will continue without his presence." he cleared his throat.

Octavia was starting to realise how boring work was and how glad she was that Polly was back to take her position back. Octavia didn't like being Treasurer for the time Polly was away.

"Item number one, the reinstatement of the Shelby company limited treasurer. The board welcomes back the former treasurer, with generously improved terms and conditions, Due to the exceptionally difficult circumstances the company now finds itself in." Tommy sighed. "The proposed treasurer will now check terms and conditions, whilst the current treasurer will fill out a resignation form." Tommy looked at Octavia and smiled as she started to fill out the form silently.

Polly sat up and started reading as Tommy lit up a cigarette and started to smoke it. "Item number two, during the absence of the company accountant due to ill health, all responsibility for the keeping of company accounts pass to the head of acquisitions." Tommy passed yet another load of forms to Ada and Micheal to fill out.

"Item number three. The company treasurer, having read the terms and condition, lodged a signed contract of employment agreeing to the terms and conditions with the temporary head of accounts." He said and Polly gave him the signed form. "All those in favour of the reinstatement of Mrs Elizabeth Gray to the position of Shelby company limited company treasurer, please raise your hands."

Everyone raised the hands and the first meeting was over, the legitimate business side. Now it was onto the Chamgretta war, but for that they needed Arthur.

Octavia swore at least four hours went by waiting but Tommy said it was just the one.

Polly stood and handed out a picture which Tommy said was Luca Changretta's family. He pointed out the blood relatives and showed them all which one was Luca. Octavia wondered why she was shown this since it wasn't like she was going to kill him herself.

"We also propose the idea to give a picture to Mr Gold." Polly said.

"We need to forget the idea that it has to be Arthur that pulls the trigger. Tradition will just fuck us up." Tommy chimed in.

Octavia's face was uneasy. She felt like this was betrayal, and clearly Ada did too. "We should wait for Arthur." Ada said.

"Arthur's not here Ada." Polly said sitting down.

Tommy sighed. "We need Luca changretta dead. That's it." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Dropping the law of the bullet is part of the process of modernisation, that I was working on before I.." Polly stopped. "Before I was executed."

Octavia rolled her eyes.

"You weren't executed Pol." Micheal said.

"What did you call me?" His mother spat.

"Right let's take a vote. I'll deal with Arthur." Tommy said moving in the conversation. "All those in favour of giving the photographs to Mr Gold, raise your hand." He said raising his own hand. Lizzie soon did after, then Micheal and Polly, and hesitantly Ada. Octavia's arm stayed put.

Tommy looked round the table and noticed her arm hadn't moved. "We need your arm up to do so Octavia." He said. Octavia looked up at him and narrowed her glare.

"I vote against." She spat. "This feels like betrayal." She said.

Tommy exhaled slowly. "Well it's not." He said exasperated. "It's just.. Modernisation, as Polly said."

Octavia scoffed. "Polly also said she was executed, but she's still sitting here." She rolled her eyes.

"Just put your fucking hand up Octavia." He threatened.


He gave her a hard glare. "Then it will be done. Five for giving the photo, one abstention." He said.

Octavia scoffed and stormed out the room. How could Tommy ignore her vote against it? It wasn't fair. It was his way or nothing.

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