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"I won't ever stop loving you."

There were many chairs in Tommy's office. They were all laid out for the family to come in and sit on. Soon people started arriving. They all sat, looking at the money set on the desk.

After everyone had settled down Tommy spoke. He looked tired and ill, with cuts on his face. "Before I begin. I want to let you all know I made a mistake." He stood up. "I made a mistake and I want to apologise to you all. Arthur warmed me about getting involved with Russian business. And he was right." He said now looking around the room.

Octavia wondered what it would be about. She was sure his brothers and other Peaky blinders members were being payed for their help over the past few months with the Russians, but Octavia didn't do much, so she wondered what would happen. She inhaled and exhaled heavily and then turned her focus back onto Tommy.

Linda was payed first. £3000 in hopes of her forgiving Tommy. Octavia looked over but all she could see was Esme's sour face. Tommy stopped announcing the amount that people had earned as he threw money to his uncle Charlie, Johnny dogs and Curly.

"Octavia." He said causing her ears to perk up hearing her name. She turned to him and swallowed thickly. He passed her a stack of money with no context. She gave a confused look and then stood up walking over to his desk. She pushed the money back with one finger and turned back to her seat. He said nothing, except moving onto everyone else.

Micheal got money for the killings, but Polly interjected. "No tommy." She said standing up walking over to his desk.

"What eh? This is who I am!" He shouted unexpectedly. His face was emotionless. Picking up another stack of cash and waving in front of Polly, he said "and this is all I can give you for what you have given me," His attention was now on the rest of the room. "For your hearts and your souls." He paused breathing heavily. "Yesterday I nearly lost my son. You should fucking understand that." He said pointing an accusing finger at Polly, although he was right. "And for what eh? And I know you all want me to say I'll change and that this fucking business will change. But I've learnt something in the last few days. Those bastards- those bastards are worse than us." He started shouting.

Octavia wondered why he had become so worked up by two words that had left Polly's mouth. Octavia looked over at some of the family, they all had the same look plastered over their faces. It was exasperation, sadness, tiredness all at the same time.

"Octavia." Tommy called. Her head cocked up looking at him in the eye. "I want it known that that money was for you, because all those nights it was you who stopped my heart from breaking. No one else." he said. She winced slightly in sadness at his words. He stood silently for a moment just starring at her, but then turned to the to the rest of the room.

Micheal stood to collect his money but it was soon snatched back by Polly and put back on the desk. "I would like to put an alternative view for the future of the Shelby company limited." She said turning to the rest of the group.

"Which I for one would quite like to hear." Ads chimed in, Esme and Lizzie joining on the train too.

"Come on Arthur. Train for the dock leaves in an hour. Then we will get the boat to New York. And it'll all be in the past." Linda said standing and gathering her stuff. The room all looked to turn to them.

"You really are leaving then." Octavia said standing, walking over to say goodbye to them both. Tears welled in Octavia's eyes as she was pulled into a tight embrace from Arthur, everyone else walking over to say their goodbyes too. Octavia finally pulled away and gave a light kiss on the cheek to Linda before saying goodbye again and moving out the the way.

"I'll be of then Tom." Arthur said hesitantly and sniffling. "I'll see you eh? I'll see you brother." He said trying to get Tommy to speak. He didn't. Arthur turned around exchanging sad smiles with everyone else before making his way to the chairs to collect his coat.

"You can go but you won't get far Arthur." Tommy said.

"Ahh. Alright Tom." Arthur said chuckling weakly.

"I spoke to moss last night." He said. Confused looks were exchanged between each other. "He told me that the chief constable of Birmingham has issued a warrant for your arrest. Murder, sedition, conspiracy to cause explosion." He said. Octavia's heart dropped realising what is about to happen.

"John they are coming for you aswell. Murder, conspiracy to cause explosion. Micheal-"

"What the fuck?" Arthur questioned.

"The murder of Hughes. Polly-"

Arthur interrupted again. "Wait a minute. What the fuck are you talking about?" He questioned again.

Octavia looked at Tommy. No visible emotion on his face. He was sat there smoking a cigarette, nonchalantly whilst telling his family they were to be arrested. "The murder of Chief inspector Chester Campbell." He continued leading to an uproar of shouts in the room. "The people we betrayed last night, they want to bring us down. They control the police, they control the judges, they control the juries, they control the jails. But they do not control the elected government." He tried to carry one but too many people where shouting.

Police whistles started to come closer as Octavia sat back in her chair feeling dizzy as the uproar of the family left the room just to be arrested by the police. She stood and ran to the door frame watching as they held them all up against the wall in handcuffs, beating up until they stopped resisting. Tommy soon followed standing next to her also watching the chaos take place in his house, to his family.

The house was silent. Anyone who wasn't arrested also left not wanting a part in Tommy's evil ways no more.

Octavia turned to face Tommy. She was confused on how to feel. "Did you mean what you said?" She asked quietly.

Tommy turned to face her avoiding her eyes. "Yeah. Course I fucking did." He exhaled. "I know it's been difficult to see me and I've been hard to talk to because of Grace. But when you went up to London I couldn't have imagined a worse time. Even you just fucking being here, knowing that you were always there and around kept me sane. I had to do that with the rest of them. I've got a plan. But I don't want to do it without you." Their eyes met. Tommy was searching hers trying to figure out how she would react. Her eyes glistened in the light due to the tears slowly welling up.

She laughed weakly looking down to her feet. "I don't know what to say." She said looking back up at him through her eyelashes.

"Don't say anything. I just want you to know I love you Octavia Fern and no matter what. I won't ever stop loving you."

"Okay." She whispered inhaling sharply, a single tear spilling over. "I love you too Tommy Shelby." She smiled at him weakly.

He slowly leant in bending down to reach her lips, planting a kiss on there. Instantly Octavia's hands snaked around his neck and to his cheeks as they both deepened the kiss.

Tommy's hands trailed down to her hips and around to her bum as they moved, Octavia's back hitting the wall. He pulled away making his way to the crook of her neck, slowly kissing it. Octavia's heartbeat increased rapidly along with her breathing which was now very audible to any maids passing by the room.

Octavia pulled Tommy away. "You want to go upstairs?" She asked. Tommy smirked.

"My house. I'll fuck you where ever I want to."

Sorry for the slower updates it's been really hot so I'm trying to get as much sun as possible x

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