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"She knows how a fucking Shelby rides"

An array of cheers started up as Finn crossed the line on the horse way before the soldiers did. Octavia jumped up and down at their success, pulling Isiah into a hug.

Arthur ran over and scooped up Octavia in a hug spinning her round a couple of times. "That's how a Shelby boy fucking rides!!" Arthur shouted carelessly placing Octavia down.

"I think she knows how a Shelby fucking rides." John replied back swaggering over, big grin on his face as usual.

Octavia strutted over and playfully slapped him multiple times on the arm. "Not true." She said embarrassed.

"Come on let's get going." Arthur said meaning for them all to go and enjoy the party inside.

Shrugging off her coat Octavia made her way to Polly greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. She got herself a drink from the side. The conversation was short before Grace came sauntering over.

"Hello Grace. You look absolutely beautiful." Polly said turning to face Grace, smiling fakely. "Welcome to the family." She said through gritted teeth trying to keep her bitterness hidden for the night.

Grace smiled to herself as a realisation of Polly's act. "Oh I see, Tommy's orders. No upsets tonight." She said staring at Polly whilst sipping her drink.

"The hair, everything, beautiful." Polly said playing up to Grace. Polly took out a cigarette offering Octavia one. Octavia took it and lit them both.

"Do you know where he is?" Grace said, eyes scanning the room for her husband.

"Yes. Yes I do." Poll said smugly in an attempt to rub in her higher position in the family than Grace, and it worked.

"I know Tommy really wants to keep certain things a secret from me. Its very hard when you are man and wife. We were late coming down because we were having sex," Grace said earning a snort from Octavia. She had heavily tried to keep her laughter in but had no control anymore. Grace have a deathly stare at Octavia doing nothing but intensify her laughter. "Afterwards he told me everything." She said stirring her drink in circles trying to ignore Octavia.

Polly thought for a moment before speaking. "You know it's began? They started the business, tonight." Polly explained smoking her cigarette. Her expression was smug which faltered soon after grace spoke.

"No" Grace sighed. "I didn't." She said crossing her arms thinking of her next move. "But you just told me, so thank you. Let's forget I used to do this for a living" she retorted.

"Oh I haven't forgotten sweetheart. It's only Thomas who's forgotten what you are." Polly said pointing her up and down.

Their conversation stopped when the bride and groom were announced their first dance.

"Have fun Grace ."Octavia smiled getting a playful push from Polly. Over the two years Polly and Octavia had become quite the pair - ignoring their first bitter encounter. They would often wind up members of the Shelby family. Tommy wasn't fond of the dynamics of the pair but had grown to love them at their careless remarks.

The car door slammed shut, Mason being the last one out of the car. He walked over to the rest of the boys, standing in an arrow with Tommy at the front. He straightened his jacket before holding his hands in front of him entangled together. "May I introduce you to grand Duchess Tatiana Petrovna. Tbilisi, Georgia."

An undeniably attractive woman stepped out of the car. She had dark brown eyes who he'd mesmerised Mason.

"Grand dutchess, may I introduce you to the Shelby brother, and Mr Fern, small heath, Birmingham." He walked over to Tommy. "Good luck with this one Tom." He said audibly for Tatiana to hear. The officer then walked over and stood by the gate.

"Give me the money." Tommy said swaying backwards and forwards slightly trying to warm himself up.

"I was told to give it to Mr Colodin."

"Whoever it is up there, he gave the wrong name. We asked him the name and he gave the wrong one."

"What name did he give?"

"No" Tommy said quickly shaking his head. "I don't trust any of you. Now you give me the money." He demanded.

"I know Mr Colodin by name. Is his hair dark?" She pressed.

"The instructions I was given was anyone using the wrong code name was an infiltrator for the soviet embassy."

She stood for a moment. "Just let me go to the house."

"I do not want this shit anywhere near my fucking house." Tommy raised his voice and paused. "All I know is no variations, said from Churchill himself, whoever it is up at the house he gave the wrong fucking name."

She said nothing. Just staring at Tommy.

"And you do this to me on my fucking wedding day" tommy clicked his teeth.

"The money is in the car Mr Shelby. Fetch it out and count it." Tatiana spat looking the man up and down.

"Good. Mason." Tommy said pulling a cigarette out.

Mason walked over to the car to get the money. He was handed a brief case and walked back over to the boys. Arthur counted the money and confirmed it was all there. Mason placed the case in the back of the car.

"You can go," Tommy dismissed the duchess walking to the car. "Moss" he said calling the officer.

"Can you do it?"

Tommy turned around to face the duchess.

"Can you kill?"

Arthur and Finn made their way to the car leaving Mason Tatiana and Tommy.

Tommy studied her for a moment. Not being able to read her expression. "Moss, take the duchess here back to Birmingham." He said throwing his cigarette to the ground and making his way to the car.

Mason watched as John and another man fought in the wrestling ring. "COME ON JOHN BOY GIVE IT TO THEM." Mason shouted as John punched the other man multiple times in the face. The men fought some more until John came to a knock out punching the other man to the floor and a cavalry man which was standing round the ring too, by accident.

A loud bang shot through the air.

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