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In the dark forest of Philadelphia.

Philosophy ran and ran. Not daring to look back. She didn't dare stop, her runs where fast, distracting as she ran in many root's and different directions.


It was a shame on how this kingdom was ruled, how man took women and how stupid this woman dared not speak. Where all woman waiting to die? Or did they enjoy this way of living?

Did they want the world to continue like this, for the next generation to be just as this one, on repeat?

She pitied every women, she wasn't going to show no man that she could be named weak or a pet. She was more then a pet and was going to embrace that.

Philosophy was getting tired in each second that went on. She needed rest, but how was she going to sleep in a dangerous, endless forest all night. Her sent was probberly everywhere now.

She took a sharp turn on her right, and ran. Ran and ran. She also desperately needed to find a river and wash off the blood in her.

The clothes she stole was drenched in blood. Luckily it was a over sized black shirt with pants black as well. She had to stop and clean up. They smelt so bad.

From a far distance she saw a river. Heading straight at the direction, great something she's been looking for. Stopping in front of the river, she looked around.

"I need to get washed, damn, this will be cold." She whispered to herself. Her wounds are healed, thanks to none other then her witch Phalodopi.

Closing her eyes she took stady breaths, she just has to get cleaned, that's all. Nothing more.

Philosophy slowly deeps her right foot first in the water, a shiver runs up her body, making her stop her movements.

"You can do this, you can do this, you can do this." She chanted softly as she fully got in. Walking a little deeper until it reached her waist, she stood.

Philosophy decided that she'll wash herself with cloths on. It will be quick and much easy for now.

Turning her head in both directions she counted to three.

"One, two, three!" She deeped her head in the river. Making her fully wet.

She stayed longer in as she got used to the temperature of the cold river. Soon enough she came up, inhaling sharply she blinked the foggyness away.

"Your a fool."

Philosophy's head snaps at the direction of the voice. In her left, few feets away was something she didn't know She'll see.

She was true beauty, looking all but pure and blissful. Her long hair didn't even seem wet when she was practically in water, whiles Philosophy's hair was wet as a cloth. She glowed in the dark. Lighting up the area.

"Who are you?" Philosophy asked. Confused at what she was seeing now.

Philosophy looked at her as she smiled warningly. "Achelous"

Philosophy's eyes widens as she proves what she is, raising her hand, water from the river rises as well. Making the water go each direction she points to. "I'm Achelous, The patron God of the Achelous river." Achelous states,

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