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In the walls of the Palace, the King was restless. His naturals where running wild. His mind playing games with him.

It's been five days seen he sent his worriars and man to look for this women, but none came back. He was tired, so tired of this women's game's that he tried, seriously tried to avoid all his naturals hunger of this women.

He stood on the balcony of his room. Staring at the scene before him. He watches as a man comes out of the women market in afar.

This women tried to run when he stepped out of that market. Venom observeds the women as she looked left and right, when the man was talking to the sales man, to busy to notice her.

When she saw his attention was not on her, she sprinted to the left, the forest, the man noticed this and in seconds he had the women by his throat. The man shared few words with the sales man.

The sales man went inside the market. As the man let go of the women. Venom frowned deeply.
But his frown was lifted into a massive grin when the sales man came out of the market.

Handing the man something that made the women shake uncontrollably fast with fear. A WHIP! Once the man striked the the whip on the her face, making a deadly scream echo, Venom turned and walked in his room.

Satisfied at the way man treats women. Venom laughed whiles he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Unbelievable" he thought to himself. How possibily do some women think they could just escape.

Once the word escaped swirls his head he frowns again. How was it so that she was still missing! Still out there!

A desperate knock snapped Venom from his thoughts. "My King." A gaurd said.

"You have a company." Venom was tired and seeing anyone else made him even more tired. He wanted to be left in his thoughts.

But when duty calls, he must commit. "LEAVE!" He barked angrily. He could smell the guards fear from the other end of the door.

He stayed sitted for few minutes, just thinking. Then he stood. Opened his door and a wave of raw pain striked his heart. Making him stumble back and lend on his knees as his hand touches the side of his burning heart.

It felt like a thousands of niddles where piercing through his heart. Like his heart was burning in flames, clenching and unclenching.

He growled aloud, causing the walls of the palace to move and the grounds to shake.

He growled louder and louder, guards came and stared at him, confused at what's happen, scared for their King. Vicus his friend rushed nearly falling at the speed he ran.

"My king." He bowed, checking him for injuries, for sighns of hurt or something, but found nothing.

"My King? Are you okay?" Venom growled at Viscus's voice. He didn't want to be seen weak in front of any one.

"I'm fine!" He snarled, slowly but painful standing up. Once he was was up, a burning feeling washed his chest, leaving him breathless but he ignored it.

His hand still clenching his chest, Vicus stared at Venom's hand, confused. Vicus frown.

"Are you sure-" Venom growled at his best friend.

Eyes turning pure white.
"I said I'm fine!" He snarled. Vicus nods and dismisses the guards.

When they all left, Vicus hesitated before talking. "You have company, I can tell them to come next tim-"

"No! I'll see to it." Venom cutt in. Not liking the idea of dismissing any thing his people asked.

Vicus was confused, worried at seeing his friend, king like this. He knew his been stressed and today it was worse.

"Okay." Vicus said defeated, knowing very well that he couldn't argue with his king.

They both left, Venom five feet in front whiles Vicus followed behind.
Venom stumbled a few times before he got his footing right.

Venom sat on his throne, facing all his six man, worriars too. He didn't like the faces they held. It made him frown at the disappointed and defeated look.

"Speak." He growled.

"My king." They all bowed, showing submission. "I'm sorry but we failed, again." One said.

Venom growled loudly, angrily at the news thus given. He started fuming in anger. Sweating with the way he burns. In seconds he stood in front of the man that spoke.

Snapping his neck in minutes, the sound was so quick that it echoed through the palace, he wasn't able to stop what he was doing because he's naturals ran wild.

When he came back in his senses, he looked at the mess he made, the blood that splashed the walls of the palace. His own clothes drenched in blood, so as the five man standing with him.

They dared not say a thing nor look at their king. Venom growled. "Clean this up." He ordered and few guards came up, cleaning and taking his body away.

He sat on his throne, waiting for the other to speak but they did nothing. They where to scared to speak up and face dieth like their fellow mate.

"Speak!" He growled.

Showing submission. One spoke. "We searched the forest and land of Philadelphia but still couldn't get her, although we did see her." He waited for the kings reaction once he was sure he continued.

"The's something odd about this women, when we ran after her, she ran in so much speed, power, grace. That we ran for hours and hours end."

Venom took a sharp in take of breath, impossible, he thought. "We've seen her. Still she escaped, but we didn't stop and continued to search, but found nothing." Venom frowns.

That news said nothing, they where still in one spot, not doing anything. Nothing changed

"My king, the is something we found out as well." He spoke, "Something odd."

Venoms attention snapped in his direction. "That is." He raised a brow.

"She spoke to us." Venom nodded. So what? Venom thought, women do speek.

"..... and she sounded just like phalodopi."

Venom choked on his breath, making the guards alert but he raised his hand stopping them from moving, his okay. They thought.

"Leave." Venom barked. They bowed and left him in his miserable thoughts.

Venom was worried.

In the land of Philadelphia centuries ago a war broke down and the war was costed because of a witch called phalodopi.

In this generation history records where made of each names of the naturals, they named the bad and special ones.

Phalodopi was known as one of the bad witches who disrespected the Gods. He didn't know what the witch did that made the Gods angry, and why she was the only witch in history records seen as bad.

Venom was worried.

How is it possibile that a long generation still lived. Did they really hear her or where they hallucinating.

He had to find out if any other generation where seen or was it only her. Or..... it would cost a total distraction.

....... If she had any type of natural, especially phalodopi the witch, then this be seen and would cost total distraction.



Next update in 2 days.


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