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In within the Kingdom of Philadelphia...

Venom's man got out the drivers sit. Running to the same door where he opened for his king, Venom. They arrived at the palace, the Kingdom.

All tensions will rise. They smelled it, sensed it. They could easily announce it. It was no secret, no nothing. He smelled just like one. The king, Venom.

It was obvious, a scent hugs him, mixing up with his. It was strong but light , sweet but suffocatingly disgusting. The kingdom smelled it, sensed it. It was obvious they would. He was socking with it. It was so strong, very strong.

Did they have questions? Of course they did. Wasn't it as clear as day. He smelled as strong as it.

He smelled just like her. Her scent was all over him. Over powering his.

As he came out, many man stood outside behind the gates. Screaming insults towards Philosophy, who on the other hand was being dragged out the car roughly by a worriar.

Caleb bowed as soon as he fully stepped out the car. A smile plastered on Caleb's face that Venom did not like one bit. "What?" He rudely asked.

Caleb beamed more. "Look at all the man out there praising their Lord, King that he has finally and at last captured this filthy women behind you." Caleb said, his words replaying in Venom's head and he smirked.

Venom walked forward, passing Caleb to go forward to the man who stood outside , behind the close gates. Two worriars following behind. As soon as he got few feet away from his kingdom, they all went quiet, bowed.

Venom smirked. "My people." He barked. Loud enough for all to hear. With his simple words, man started to clap and chear their king on.

"My king! You did good! But I'd like something more!" A man from the crowed shouted. Getting all the attention to him.

Venom looked to the voice, a man. Old man. About in his forties or fifties. "And that is?" Venom frowned. If his people felt like it wasn't enough then he'd do anything to satisfy his kingdom, anything.

The old man stepped forward pushing through the crowed to be seen clearly. Venom studied him for a bit.

Greyish-black hair sat on his half bold head. Brown warm eyes with a hint of mischief in them, cold and warm at the same time. Sharp nose but his cheeks had to much fat. He was tall and that was true. But by Venom he was short. Not comparing him one bit. The man was at good height.

He looked about 6'0 and with one round belly. His tight shirt making him look like he was indeed pregnant. 

His eyes met Venom's. He smiled and bowed not daring the king with his eyes. "I request a punishment, for the human." He spoke, smiling all along his words.

That was something he was definitely going to do. But the problem was that he knew something no-one knew about her. It was hard keeping something like this from the kingdom but he had to. Only the people who lived in the palace knew she was special and that's all.

But would his people understand him. The was this voice in his head telling him not to harm her for a reason he knew very much well. But just the voice angered him and incouraged him. He gave no mercy, had no sympathy towards a women, pet.

Even if she was more then just a pet. He cared less towards that, if you where born a women you where born a pet. A toy and a object. A machine used to please man.

Venom smiled wickedly, giving a stiff nod towards his people. "I agree and I asure you the will be a sutable punishment for the human." He spoke his word, to his kingdom.

The kingdom cheared on and on. Singing and clapping, praising their king. "Hail Lord Venom!" The screamed.

As Venom turned. His eyes lended on Philosophy. She was tied in chains and held by two woŕriar's at each side of her. Her eyes wide, watering. Breath coming out in short pants as she stared straight at the crowed behind Venom.

Venom smiled coldly. He walks towards her. Stopping three feet away from her. "Look there what my man want." Venom announced. Philosophy's eyes snapping towards his. Making him stop and look in her mesmerising eyes for a few seconds.

"They want me to punish you, pet." He taunts. Making philosophy snort. He grabs her chin roughly to make her look him in the eyes. "They want the pet punished." He whispered, bringing her face very close to his.

Their lips few inches away. "What do you think your punishment will be?" He spits. "Huh?"  His hands tightens on her chin roughly. Making her groan in pain.

His breath hitches at the sound. Fuvk it sounded so good to hear that. "What are you doing." He hissed when he felt his self adhesive. The feeling

Her hazel eyes stared in his warm chocolate ones. "Your hurting me you fucker!" She whispered shout. Venom growls.

"You fuvking watch your tone around me for you'll-"

"What will you do?" Pausing, "..Venom." philosophy hissed. Baring his teeth. He flared his nose. Roughly pushing her face to the side and letting her go.

Eyes on both the man. "Take her to the Cells and don't give her anything. Don't talk to her. Don't look at her."

"Woah Woah Woah...." Philosophy spoke up. Making Venom glance her way. "...I didn't know you where so possessive Mr King." She sarcastically says, chuckling.

"Take her." He orders. Bowing they roughly drag Philosophy who refuses to use her legs away.

Venom watches as his man take the women away. He was so proud, so happy that his got his hands on this filthy women, finally. Fuvking finally.

It wasn't easy, not at all. Not one bit. He worked hard. Had sleepless nights and finally his hard work pays off. It always did. The God's where on his side after all. That he believed. No did he no.

"Distribut some clothes and food among the Kingdom and make sure they leave. Inform them that they shall be notified when a sutable punishment will be given to the human." Venom said. Ordering Caleb without turning to face him.

Still facing the same direction they took her. He starts to walk in with Vicus behind him.

"Yes my King."

Venom was a king. He was born merciless, cruel, aggressive, born with authority and dominant. He was born a king and as a kid he was born with the need to satisfy all hus Kingdoms needs and wants.

And for they wanted Philosophy to be punished, he'll do it. Even if they asked for her death. He will do it, for his people,...Kingdom.





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