Chapter 24

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      Day was almost done. Krishna looked around the hall filled with businessmen, professionals and entrepreneurs. Most of them were impeccably attired and class apart. In the beginning, she felt awkward being a sore thump amidst the impressive crowd of rich & influential. But as day progressed, she realised that they were intelligent enough not to be prejudiced by appearances. True talent is recognised and appreciated by them. Krishna even found some people similar to her; few budding entrepreneurs and professionals who were trying to make their mark although hailing from humble backgrounds.

Krishna presentation was scheduled towards the end of the day. So she got to spend the entire day in the event. When time came, eventhough nervous, she stood before the audience and gave her presentation fluently. At the end, audience applauded for her and she beamed with joy while Veer joined her on stage. He appreciated her effort and stood beside her while being facilitated.

The event had come to an end. Everyone had retired to get ready for the party. Krishna and Veer were at the lobby. "I guess, I will get going", Krishna told Veer warily. For past couple of days, Veer had been ignoring Krishna. Their interaction were strictly professional. She tried to talk but he was least interested. Moreover, they got busy with the preparations for the event. Debomita's childish acts to get his attention didn't help them either. 

Krishna felt she had not handled their situation appropriately. It was evident that Veer was hurt. Perhaps she had pushed him so hard that he gave up on them. She was feeling guilty, yet not sure whether she wanted to give them another chance. Besides, Veer behaved as if he had enough of her. She wished he would stop her and they could spend some time together.

"I will be vacating by room in few hours. Till then you can use it if you want to freshen up or rest of sometime", Veer offered but she refused. "I will get late if I miss the evening bus", she tried to hurry. "I can arrange a car for you to drop you at Karuna mansion", it looked as if he was trying to delay her. "No. I will manage", Krishna gave a soft smile, "Enjoy the party". Veer nodded and didn't stall her further. 

"Convey my regards to Mehek Ma'am and Shaurya Sir", Krishna added before leaving. Apart from a quick glance, Krishna was unable to meet his parents. They were so busy in the event that they hardly got time to talk to even Veer. "Sure, I will. They would have been happy if stayed back", Veer commented yet didn't give enough to halt her. Krishna gave a vacant smiled and shrugged her shoulders before bidding farewell to him. Veer looked at her figure as she walked away and then went to him room to get ready.

Krishna turned back after few minutes. She was disappointed when she didn't find Veer. It was enough for her to comprehend that Veer may no longer wish for a second chance. Isn't it what you wanted? Veer is finally over you and moved on. So why are you sad?, her inner voice rebuked her. She had a hard time to gather her wayward thoughts and marched towards the bus station. "Krishna!!!", someone called her behind.

"Shaurya Sir", Krishna gasped in shock but soon felt happy to see him. Shaurya quickly got out of his car and came beside her, "Where are you going?". "Bus station ", she replied plainly. Shaurya rubbed his forehead in frustration. "Why are you not attending the party?", he asked her. Krishna answered awkwardly, "I think I am not invited". "What the...", Shaurya reined his words but his anger was evident, "Didn't Veer tell you anything? How could he allow you to leave? That too in a bus". Krishna quickly clarified that she herself asked Veer not to take any trouble for her. 

"Unbelievable! You both are just unbelievable!", Shaurya exclaimed. He didn't waste anytime to grab her wrist and pull her to his car, "You are staying back and going to attend the party. Period". "I can't", Krishna tried her best to defend but Senior Khanna didn't pay any heed to her.  "I don't have anything to wear for the party", finally she blurted out. "What???", Shaurya was aghast. "Get inside the car now", he barked at her and she obeyed without another word.

"Oh my handsome Boy!", Mehek pulled Veer's cheeks. He was embarrassed nevertheless enjoyed his mother's antics. He was dressed in the tuxedo Mehek had selected and as usual she didn't shy away to praise her son. Mehek looped her arm into his elbow and walked around as if looking for someone. Party had just began and Shaurya was yet to join them.

Suddenly Debomita made way to them. Veer realised that his mother was shocked and displeased. "Mehek Aunty, how are you?", she greeted Mehek. "I am fine, Debo", Mehek was still aghast while she checked her from top to bottom. "Thanks for this beautiful saree. I hope you know it means a lot to me", she tried to be charming. It was clear that Debomita was uncomfortable in saree even if she tried her best to cover it. "Lovely!", Mehek replied vacantly, "Would you excuse us for a moment, Debo?", she pulled Veer away from her.

"Why is Debo wearing this saree? ", Mehek fumed. Veer was puzzled, "You tell me. After you send it to her". Mehek held her head in dismay, "It was meant for Krishna. I never thought this spoiled brat will intercept my gift for Krishna. Why did you even allow her to stay in Karuna mansion", she sighed and looked around, "Where is Krishna?". "She left", Veer told nonchalantly. "What??" Why??", she was aghast. Mehek and Shaurya had expected to meet her and them to spend a good time at the party. But things seemed to have southward and she had none but her son to blame. 

"Veer, I thought you both were doing well. What happened? How could such a huge misunderstanding occur", Mehek was worried. "Nothing happened. We just don't get along", he replied. "For God's sake, Veer. Why can't you for once act properly rather than being a stubborn mule?", she rebuked him. "For your kind information, I did everything possible. But if she is so adamant then what can I do", he explained being defeated . Before she could retort, he quickly became curious, "Wait a sec. Why are you so anxious about me & Krishna?". Mehek just gave a nervous shrug and rolled her eyes. It was then clear to Veer that Mehek was aware of their relationship and trying to bring them together. "Does Pappa know?", he asked and Mehek nodded.

Veer pinched bridge of his nose in frustration. He grabbed drink from near by counter and gulped it down quickly. It was already hard for him deal with separation of Krishna. Despite his consistent efforts, she left him. Now adding to his chagrin, his parents are also involved and trying to their best to unite them. Yet it all ends up in vain. While he grabbed another drink, Mehek held his arm.

 "Don't give up so easily, Veer. Gear up and fight for your love. Haven't you learned anything from us?", his mother's complaint added fuel to his fury. "Apparently, I haven't since I am huge failure unlike my legendary parents", he spat at her, "What shall I do to make you happy? Shall I announce it to the world that I'm a pathetic loser in matters of heart? Is that what you want?". He angrily looked at his mother whose focus was else where. "No, I don't want that", a mischievous smile played on Mehek's lips, "I just want you look behind".

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