Chapter 23

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                  Debomita didn't leave any stones unturned to woo Veer. Much to Krishna's chagrin, Veer no longer seemed to be troubled by her silly acts. He was amused although never charmed by her. Krishna remained oblivious that that his reason of amusement was her and not Debomita. He was simply enjoying to watch Krishna turn green with envy. From Veer's side, those were clear indication that Krishna still has feeling for him. He knew his petty trick may turn ugly if Krishna feels dejected or Debomita misunderstands him. So he was very careful while dealing with his lady love and immature fangirl.

"Veer, let's watch a movie", Debomita told him soon after dinner. Krishna rolled her while cleaning the table and was happy since Veer tried his best to avoid it. "Don't worry, I know your taste now. So I have picked up one with good story", Debomita coaxed him. "Krishna, why don't you also join us?", Veer invited her, hoping that he will atleast have company to overcome the ordeal. Krishna looked onto to Debomita who was throwing daggers at her. Clearly she didn't want Krishna to join them. Rather than feeling intimidated, Krishna dared to challenge her. "Ofcourse, Dr Veer. I am delighted to join", Krishna replied boldly while keeping her eyes on Debomita.

As usual Veer sat on the single seater sofa. He was  afraid Debomita may sit beside and try to act cozy if he occupies the spacious couch. "I am sure you will like my choice tonight, Veer". Krishna took her seat and stared at the screen while ignoring them. But as soon as the movie started, Krishna realised her mistake. 

Title rolled. The Fault in Our Stars. A hollywood movie on young lovers suffering from terminal illness. Krishna slowly started to feel uneasy as flashes of Pari's sufferings came to her mind. She tried hard to remain unmoved but once movie depicted tale of female protagonists & her mother, she gave up. She quickly excused and fled to her room.

Krishna sat on bed and heaved for breath. She believed to have made peace with her fate. Her eyes brimmed with tears when she remembered her daughter. "Krishna", Veer kept comforting hand on her shoulder but she didn't turn. He was puzzled that Krishna still managed to hold herself. "Why did it happened to her, Veer?", she asked emotionally, "she was doing fine, wasn't she? We were supposed to bring her home in few days". "I don't know, Krishna", Veer sighed, "We can console ourselves that our Angel is in a better place". Krishna sniffed, "A place devoid of pain and suffering". "Yes. Full of laughter and joy", he tried to appease her.

He sat beside her but both remained silent, being lost in memories of their lost child. "You would have spoiled her for sure", Krishna talked first and he chuckled. ,"Perhaps I would have become a strict father. No parties! Focus on studies! And definitely no Boyfriend!", Veer tried to act as tough patriarch. Krishna laughed softly although tears swelled in her eye. 

"Shivani used to throw so much tantrums when she stayed with me. Blame it on her mood swings or pregnancy hormones but at times it was too much to bear with her", Krishna went through the memory lane, "I used to wonder whether I will be able to manage her child. But Pari was so sweet and calm. Even as a child she never gave me any trouble".

It was painful for Veer to hear Krishna utter those precious moments that he had missed. Yet he didn't stop her. Krishna needed to vent out her sorrow. "Shivani is not a bad person. Else she wouldn't have given birth to my Pari", Krishna turned to face Veer, "I can understand why she is still special for you".

Veer didn't know how to counter Krishna claim. He kept his hand over hers, "Shivani was my first love. A person with whom I had dreamt to have a family and live my life. Memories of our good times are still precious to me". Krishna felt sad hearing his confession. Still she admired his honesty. "But nothing more. Just like Radhe for you, Shivani is my past", he caressed her face. Krishna quickly looked away, unwilling to know the truth in his words. He pulled her by her chin to face him, "We had a child together, Krishna. Shivani may have given birth to her but you were mother to my child. We were parents even before becoming a couple. You are special to me". But Krishna disagreed and shook her head.

"It was just for Pari, Veer ", Krishna almost sobbed. "May be in the beginning, it was just Pari. But eventually we formed a bond, Krishna. Our past and Pari's death weakened it. My impulsiveness didn't help us either", he accepted his guilt, "But I still think we can workout if we want", Veer was hopeful. "I don't think so", he winced at her sudden dismissal. "I love you", he confessed his feelings but Krishna didn't reciprocate. She shook her head and moved few steps away from him. 

"I know you are scared. Me too. But we need to take a leap of faith. Trust me, when I say we will make it", his tone was firm. "Trust you??", she mocked him, "what did I ever achieved other than heart ache whenever I trusted you". Anger began to seep into Veer, "You are just being adamant. Can't you see I am trying here. Why can't you even take a tiny effort? This is so exhausting", he threw his hands on air. "Then do us a favour and stop trying. We are done. Just accept it and move on", she raised her voice. "You know what? May be that's for the best", he angrily walked away from her room.

Krishna was unable to sleep whole night. She felt bad to fight with Veer yet happy to let out her emotions. It was evident that Veer was still hopeful of their relationship while she had remained obstinate. Her jealousy over Shivani had made her turn a deaf ear to his words. He had clearly professed his love and in turn she blatantly refused him. It was plainly rude. She should have handled it in a better way. Krishna decided to apologize to Veer and try appease him.

When she came down, the maid had already served breakfast and Veer & Debomita were at the table. Veer's sour expression gave away that he was not in a good mood. Krishna waited for a lone moment to talk to him. Krishna was about to serve for him but he stopped her and asked her to join them for breakfast.

Debomita was busy unwrapping a delivered package. Her squeal broke silence on the dining table. "Veer, this is so beautiful. I can't believe Mehek Aunty sent it for me", Debo displayed designer saree on her shoulder and read out the card, 'For you to shine like a star. Hope to see you soon at the party'. Debomita beamed while Veer & Krishna looked surprised. "I am not a saree person and this colour is also not to my liking. Still I love it. Aunty has a great taste", Debomita praised Mehek although she had subtly taunted. "Is there a party?", Krishna asked anxiously.

Veer sipped his coffee and nodded. "You didn't know, Krishna", Debomita acted surprised. Krishna kept her gaze on Veer. "Actually there is a event conducted by our company. Many new ventures from company will be presented and we have a short slot to present our project. It is a way to encourage others and gather more support", he explained. "And at night, there will be a huge party", Debomita added. It seemed like she was interested only in it. Veer nodded and Krishna remained silent. It was clear that she wasn't invited. It hurt her that Mehek Ma'am didn't include her but then she appeased that she is just an employee, a house keeper. Why would anyone invite her for a high society party, she thought sadly.

"I want you to be there with me", Veer's words broke her reverie. "For the party??", Debomita was baffled. Veer gave her a stern look as if reprimanding a silly girl. "I want Krishna to do the presentation about our project", he then turned his gaze to Krishna, "Work on the presentation and show it to me by evening. I will review it and give you my pointers". "Veer, why do you want to trouble her? I am anyways accompanying you for the event. Won't it be better if I do the presentation?", she tried to avoid Krishna. "No", he told firmly, "Krishna had been involved in this project from the beginning and she will continue once I leave. So it is better that she handles the presentation". He made it loud & clear, leaving no room of doubt either from Debomita or Krishna.

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