Chapter 2

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Veer sipped his drink and gazed outside his window aimlessly. It was rare for him to consume alcohol but tonight he needed it. Officials had managed to accommodate him in one of the best hotels available in the vicinity. Although it  didn't meet his standards, the view was amazing. He liked city life but preferred county side too for its serenity. Infact his parents had narrated their love story where they met each other in a small town. It was their retirement plan to move back to the bungalow they owned in that same town to spent rest of their lives. They were just waiting for their children to be settled. A smile crept on his face when he thought about his family. Without thinking much, he took out his phone and dialed his mother.

"Veer, is everything okay?", a concerned voice replied from other side. He chuckled at his mother's anxiety. "That's rude. Can't I call my lovely mother without a reason?", he acted hurt. Mehek, his mother got amused by his antics, "Ofcourse, you can. But you never do. Or shall I say you never do it anymore". Veer could perceive a faint hurt in her voice. For past few years, he had tried to keep distance from everyone and anyone, with whom he was emotionally connected. He felt guilty that his innocent family had became collateral damage for his downfall. He wanted to correct it. 

"From now on, I will call you and disturb you regularly", he told her joyfully. Mehek laughed, "I will eagerly wait for it". "Ma, how is Nayani? How is her health? Hope she is taking care of herself", he asked abruptly. Nayani suffered from heart condition. She was still a baby when it was diagnosed and his parents had tried their best to give her all possible treatment. As a brother, he had seen the worst when Nayani went through critical state and it was really painful. As young Veer, he felt helpless to give her solace. It could have led to his aspiration to become a cardiologist. "Nayani is fine, my son. After all she has the best brother and cardiologist", Mehek joked. Yet it didn't fail her notice the faint undercurrent of worry his query. "Is everything okay, Veer?", Mehek asked him. He sighed and sank into the recliner near him.

"Today at the medical camp, I met a woman. I mean a mother. Her child is really sick. She reminded me of those days when you were so worried for Nayani", he shared his thoughts with Mehek. She too took a deep breath. It was indeed a difficult time,  not only for her but entire family. "It was a bad period for us, Veer. But by God's grace, we passed through it", she tried to cheer him. "I hope you were able to help that woman", she asked him anxiously. Veer would have helped her. As a doctor and as a human, it was his duty to help others. The lady whom he met today definitely struck a chord with him. But then the situation became distasteful. One moment she reminded him of his mother who was desperately trying to get help for her child. But next moment she behaved like a person whom me hated the most. Wealth could get you everything. Those few words which she uttered made him change his attitude towards her.

"Wealth could get you everything", Shivani spat at him, "And if you think we can survive only on LOVE then you are utterly mistaken". "Shivani", Veer begged her, "Please listen to me. I know things are not looking good...". "Not good!!!", she interrupted him angrily, "it is horrible, Veer. You family business is in huge debt. Khanna empire is sinking day by day. And here you stand and argue with me after you failed in your medical exams". "Shivani, my family is going through a tough time. I was unable to focus on my studies due to tensions at home. But I promise I will work harder next time. And I am sure Pa will win back everything in business.", he explained. Shivani sighed and remained quiet. Veer was relieved that atleast she understood his state of mind. "This won't work out, Veer. I think we are not meant for eachother", with those words, she took out the ring from her finger and kept it into his palm. "Good Bye, Veer", she told plainly and walked towards her car.

"Veer? Son, are you still there? I asked whether you were able to help that lady", Mehek's voice woke him from his past memories. He didn't reply her and just skipped it by steering their conversation elsewhere. He felt good after their tete-a-tete. Making a mental note that he should more often communicate with his family, he went back to finish his drink. He stood near the window. While enjoying tranquility, his gaze fell on nearby church. Involuntarily he prayed for the safety of a child whom he had never met but just knew as a name in a medical file. Pari. He didn't know the reason but wish her to get well soon.

Krishna was extremely tired when she reached home. She felt emotionally and physically drained. "Bittu", her Bua (meaning Aunty, Father's sister) greeted her with a smile while handing over a glass of water. "Did you meet him?", Bua asked carefully trying to mask the anxiety. She knew her niece was going through a lot and didn't want to add on to it. "It didn't go well, Bua", she told sadly, "But I won't give up. I will go tomorrow again". "Don't worry, Bittu. Everything will be fine", Bua consoled her. "Where is Pari?", Krishna tried to act normal. Before Bua could answer her, a shrill cry startled them both.

Shaurya was waiting in his friend's cabin. It's been long since he met his college mate, Dr Ayan. Their busy schedule kept close friends apart. As soon as Ayan knew about Veer's arrival, he hurried back from his daily rounds to greet him. While they were exchanging pleasantries, a nurse rushed into his cabin to inform about a patient. Without wasting another moment, Ayan and Veer dashed to the ICU. The patient whom Ayan attended was a little girl. Veer stood beside him, ready to help him but Ayan & his team got everything under control. As Veer was walking away, he saw a familiar face at the ICU door. An anxious mother with tearful eyes. Mrs Krishna Radhe Shukla. She ran to Ayan's side when he came out of ICU, to ask about her daughter. In her anxiety she failed to notice Veer and he walked away without making his presence felt.

Doctors are taught to be disconnected from their patients. It is commonly believed to help them to treat their patients effectively. But at times, even they feel emotional and helpless. Pari evoked similar feelings in Veer. He didn't even have a good look at the little girl but felt sad for her condition. She is too young to endure it. When Ayan came back to his cabin, Shaurya felt that he too was affected. "She is just 4 years, my friend", Ajay told him sadly, "we are doing everything we could but...", he left it incomplete. Shaurya sighed and asked, "Will bone marrow transplantation help her?". "Possibly. But not 100% sure. Besides she is too weak to undergo the surgery. Although her family is trying to find donor", Ayan informed him. "They seemed to be wealthy enough", Shaurya probed. Ayan knitted his eyebrows in confusion, "Don't think so. I always felt that Krishnaji as a simple lady". Shaurya was a bit taken by Ayan's observation. His friend was always inclined towards the fairer sex yet his admiration towards her didn't go unnoticed by Veer. He pushed down the guilty feeling that threatened to pop-out of his mind.

Precap :  Veer gives a ray of hope for Krishna 

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