Chapter 6

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                    "I am not ready for this child", Nayani wept before Krishna. She looked at Veer who stood defeated before his sister who recently suffered a break down. Although Krishna was still not over the recent events in her life, she wanted to help Nayani. They were still good friends and Krishna didn't want to lose Nayani due to her hot headed brother. "Nayani, your brother will talk to Shashank and all will be sorted out", Krishna tried to appease her. "I don't want a life with Shashank", she cried out, "we broke up last week". "But things are not the same anymore. He needs to take responsibility of the baby", Veer intervened. "He may take responsibility", she sniffed, "but I don't want him anymore in my life. We are done". Veer and Krishna were perplexed. "I...I don't want to be tied down..... with him in a ....loveless marriage. We are not .....meant for eachother. I dont.....I don't love him anymore", Nayani managed to convey amidst her sobs.

Veer gazed aimlessly outside his window. Last night,  he had accused Krishna of being a characterless woman. And today he faced his sister who refused to be with the man whose child she is carrying child. He was clueless how to handle their complicated scenario. "She is adamant", Krishna's voice woke him from his trance, "she doesn't want the responsibility of a child or marriage". He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Nayani has a heart condition. She is very weak now. Medical termination of pregnancy in her condition is extremely risky", Veer told her. Krishna was visibly irritated. It seemed to her that he had already decided fate of an innocent life. She felt both Veer and Nayani were unfair.

 "May be you should inform you parents", Krishna suggested, hoping they may be able to drill some sense into the adamant yet confused siblings. "I want to but I can't. They will try to persuade Nayani to accept Shashank, especially if he is ready to accept her. It may appear as forceful for her and will lead to complications", Veer was at loss. Krishna had enough of their family drama. "I am leaving", she told plainly. "Krishna, please stay", he was unaware why he wanted her beside but he requested her. "I am sorry, Dr Veer. This is your personal matter. So deal with it", Krishna spoke with a tint of mockery. "Krishna, I am so sorry for what I did to you earlier. If you want, I will personally come and apologize to your family. But please don't take it out on Nayani", he implored her. "Dr Veer, if I had any ill feeling for Nayani, I wouldn't have come", she tried her best not to blast him, "You both are old enough to decide the coarse of your life. So think carefully and do well. I am leaving as my child needs me more now", with those words she marched away.

Krishna glanced at her daughter and then turned her attention to the downpour outside. She needed money for Pari's treatment. Even after stem cell transplantation, Pari needs continuous care. Her pride urged her to leave but it was evident that she didn't possess enough money to afford Pari's treatment. Dr Veer had facilitated the better treatment for Pari. Besides, the emotional connection he had with Pari also aided in her betterment. Yet Krishna was at crossroads. She knew it was in vain to depend on a man like Veer. He is highly unpredictable and volatile. Probably she needs to take another loan from money lenders. A knock at the door, pulled her attention away.

She opened the door and found a fully drenched Veer at her door. Despite his condition, she didn't invite him inside. "What do you want?", she asked straight, keeping him at the door. "We need to talk. Can I come in?", he asked softly. "Whatever you want to talk, I am least interested in it. So please leave", she tried to close the door but he intervened, "Just couple of minutes and it's about Pari". Krishna's determination faltered and he took the opportunity to get in, "I promise you won't regret".

Once settled with a dry towel to cover his wet self, he pulled out his phone. He showed a web page to Krishna, "This is one of the best cancer centers in our country". Krishna checked the details and returned his phone, "But it is far away from here. Not to mention that it is really expensive and out of reach of people like us". Veer mused that Krishna is still not aware that he is heir to Khanna empire.He had no intention to reveal it to her. He was content with the fact that she considered him as her equal atleast on financial level. "I have contacts and can get Pari treated there. All expenses will be on me", he proposed. Krishna's heart leapt with joy but she kept a poker face. "Why would you want to go to such extremes to help us? Is it your guilt or humanity?", her questions had strong undercurrent of sarcasm. "Neither", he replied honestly. "What do you want in return?", she asked quickly. "Marriage", he answered, leaving Krishna shocked.

"As you pointed out, it is far away. A place were none knows us. Nayani can give birth to her baby there and meanwhile Pari will get best treatment. Later we will return and claim Nayani's child as ours", he explained to her. Krishna's eyes widened in shock. Before she could blast him, he spoke again, "Think about it, Krishna. There is only gain in it for you. Pari's treatment will be done without any hassle and you won't have to spend another penny on it. Additionally, you will get protection and security of my name". "What makes you think that I want to be tied down to a man like you?", she sneered at him. "Fair enough. Then once Pari is fully cured, we will get divorced. I am ready to pay you a hefty alimony so that you don't have to worry about future anymore", he tried to entice her. She was overwhelmed by his idiocy and stood up angrily, "I refuse. Now LEAVE". Veer sighed as if he expected it. He slowly stood up, "then I am afraid, Pari will suffer". Although he had no intention to harm them, he forced himself to play the villain, "If you disagree, then I will refuse to donate my bone marrow". Krishna was dazed by his attitude. While tears made way through her cheeks, it burned him deeply.

Few hours later. "It will be a contract marriage", Krishna demanded Veer and he agreed. "It will be valid only for an year", she put forward her condition and he acceded to it. He wrote a figure on paper and pushed it to her, "Your alimony amount. It will be stated in the contract". Krishna was least interested in it so didn't check it. Once Pari is treated, she was confident to survive on her own. "Anything else?", Veer asked. She cleared her throat as a preface, "You will have no rights over Pari even after our divorce". Veer knitted his brows in confusion. "I need some guarantee to ensure that you won't exploit me further", she explained, "In short, I will return back to my life with Pari and you will leave with the child born from Nayani. For outside world it will look as fair separation with no custodial wars". "Fine", he agreed to it too.

It's been a week since Krishna was forced to agree to Veer's preposterous scheme. "Aren't you afraid that your castle of cards will fall flat?", Krishna asked while they boarded their flight. "I am", he turned to her side, "that's why we need to be extra careful". "I still thing this a wrong move. Rather than being an accomplice to Nayani in this absurdity, you should act mature and advise her". He looked away to avoid Krishna. "How will you pull this stunt for an year? Won't you parents find it bizarre that both of their children stay away from them for long?", Krishna voiced his worst fears but he kept a brave face. "They know Nayani recently had a bad breakdown. According to them, I took a job offer faraway so that Nayani can have a change of air and recuperate. I can arrange to show that Nayani is getting treated at a good place and she needs solitude. In future, it will be informed that I fell in love with you meanwhile and got you pregnant. They will be happy to know that I took responsibility and married you secretly to save your honour. Although it will be hard for them digest that we got divorced with a new born baby", he sighed. "Are you confident to keep up the ruse for an year?", Krishna was still skeptical. No, I am not, but he needn't tell her. "Focus on your side of bargain, Krishna. My parents are my worry.I know them well and will deal with them", he chided her and pretended to try to sleep. Krishna sighed and looked outside the window. She had none to worry about. After her father passed away, Bua and Pari were her only family. Due to misunderstanding created by Veer, Bua had severed all ties with her. Pari is her only family now and she will do everything in her power to keep her well.

PRECAP: New life of Veer & Krishna as a couple 

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