Chapter 7

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                              "Do you like it?", Veer asked Pari eagerly. He had made an extra effort to make her room special. "I love it", she jumped with joy and pressed a sweet kiss on his cheek, "I love you, Pappa". Krishna wanted to correct Pari but Veer held her hand tightly forbidding it. Pari eagerly ran around exploring her room. It was full of toys and decorated in Disney theme. "Since we are together, it will be weird if our daughter addressed me as Friend or Doctor". "She is my daughter, Dr Veer", Krishna snapped at him,"Don't try to impose yourself as her father. Should I remind you about our contract marriage?", Krishna warned him. He smiled, "I didn't impose. Pari naturally gave me the honour". Krishna had no words to attack and stood frozen. "Let it be, Krishna", he patted her shoulder to calm her. It still worried her that Pari missed father's affection and Veer was quickly filling in the position.

"How's is Nayani?', Krishna tried to change the subject. Veer had found a comfortable nursing home nearby and Nayani got admitted there. All records indicated that her delicate health has forced her to be admitted there during early period of pregnancy. "She is good. We can visit her whenever we want", he told her. Although Krishna was in this ruse for Pari, she was genuinely worried for Nayani. She still felt that Veer and Nayani were complicating the situation. "I still feel...", she couldn't finish as Veer had kept his forefinger on her lips. "Please try to relax and enjoy for atleast a day", he implored. Krishna was overwhelmed by his sudden proximity. Excitement coursed through her when he grazed his thumb over her lower lip. He licked his lips and it made her breath hard in anticipation. "Ma, look what Pappa got for me?", Pari's enthusiasm woke broke them apart.

Krishna was irritated for the whole day. Veer had rented out a comfortable house for them and it was fully furnished. They had little to unpack yet Krishna ran around trying to rearrange everything to keep her busy. She was tensed and got angry at small things. When Pari requested if she could sleep with her father, Krishna scolded her thoroughly. Pari whimpered in fear. "Why are so harsh on her?", Veer intervened and Pari ran into his arms, tearfully. It amazed Krishna that in few days, Pari got so attached to Veer. "Angel, you need to sleep early. If you stay with Pappa then you may not sleep soon. That's why Ma scolded you", he explained. He played peacemaker yet Krishna was still angry. Veer took Pari to her room and made her sleep while telling her a bedtime story. Krishna stood by the door, watched it all as a mute spectator. Despite her reservations, she had to admit that Veer was doing a great job. Pari fell asleep happily. He gave Krishna a sweet smile while walking away but her venomous words stopped him. "Stay away from MY daughter", she didn't mind to be rude.

"I am not a bad person, Krishna", he was calm. Krishna smirked at him. "I know I jumped into conclusion and spoiled everything. Trust me when I say, I am really sorry", he tried to justify. "You threatened to hurt my child and forced me into your dirty game. How could I trust a man like you, Dr Veer?", her concern was valid. Regardless with no intention to put Pari in harm's way, he had blackmailed Krishna. He would have still donated his stem cells, even if Krishna had not agreed. But she doesn't know it yet and probably will never know it. He cannot blame Krishna, if she is unable to show a bit of faith in him. "I can do nothing but apologize for my mistakes", he told earnestly. They stood silent for few minutes until he spoke again, "I will be in my room. Call me if you need anything".

Few weeks passed since they played husband and wife. Regardless of her obstinacy to keep Veer at bay, he started to crawl into their lives. Pari was overjoyed with her new found father figure and Krishna couldn't do anything to forbid her. Veer played part of her husband and Pari's father to perfection. He was caring and loving. Yet Krishna remained distant. She was still unable to forget the way he had spoiled her image before her family. She had once considered him as their well-wisher and he failed to stand upto it. So she refrained to have any connection with him beside their contract. While Veer  joined nearby hospital, Krishna played homemaker role and stayed beside Pari. She never took any pain to cook or care for him. Yet Veer didn't complain and acted content.

"What happened, Krishna? Why are you sleeping in hall?", Veer asked her. After his shift when he came home, he found her in the hall. "I am having fever", she sounded weak, "It's better that I stay away from Pari. Can you please check on Pari?". "Absolutely", he agreed to her, "I will take care of her", he immediately went to Pari's room. Krishna was relieved by his caring gesture. Soon she heard Pari and Veer's playful talks and their attempts in kitchen to make supper. She felt a pang of jealousy but it was smoothed when she heard Veer telling Pari that her Ma needs to rest, followed by which Pari told that she missed her Ma. Krishna smiled at her own folly and laid back to rest.

Krishna moaned in anger when someone tried to wake her from her slumber. As she opened her eyes, she found Veer. "Go sleep in the master bedroom", he told her, carefully omitting reference that it is his bedroom. When she remained indecisive, he added, "I will be sleeping in Pari's room". Krishna nodded and walked to the bedroom. But he blocked her to handover few tablets with water. She gulped and moved away, murmuring a vague thanks to him. As she dipped herself into the soft & wide bed, she felt restless thinking about Pari . But once she heard Pari's laughter and giggles along with Veer's sweet voice, she was at ease. Soon fatigue took over her, pulling her into a deep slumber.

Pari fell asleep in Veer's arms while watching her favourite animated movie in his laptop. Veer slowly placed her over the pillow and covered her with quilt. He watched her affectionately. Although she is not his flesh & blood, she managed to brim his heart with love. He felt warmed whenever he heard her addressing him as Pappa. He wanted to stretch himself beside her but decided against it. He wanted to check on Krishna before sleeping.

"Don't take away, Pari"...."Please don't"...."she's all I have".....Krishna was sweating and blabbering in fever. Veer was alarmed when he heard her soft whimpers but when he listened he understood her predicament. He softly patted her cheek to calm her, "Pari is safe. I won't let anything happen to her". But rather than pacified, she became agitated hearing his voice, "You will take her away.....You will take her away". She started to breath heavily and thrash her head. "Krishna", he raised his voice and shook her. She opened her eyes abruptly and saw him beside her. She wept and begged him, "I will be shattered without Pari". "Nothing will happen to Pari. None will take her away from you", he pacified her. "Please don't", she plead again. He hugged her,"I promise". Probably his words, ran a chord with her feverish fears. Soon her sobs subsided and she was back to sleep. He tried to free her from his grip but she clutched onto him and cradled herself on his neck.

He never perceived that an act of kindness will turn to be pure torture for him. He was lying on bed with Krishna sleeping peacefully over him. She found comfort with him but innocent brushes and caresses of her limbs were driving him crazy. Being a man of medicine, he cursed himself to fall in a honey trap. It's been long since he got intimate. During his flamboyant days of adolescent, he had been exposed to pleasures of flesh. But nothing was serious until he gwas committed to Shivani. But once they broke up, he became reclusive and lost himself in his career. Krishna moaned softly and moved her closer to him. Her lips brushed his stubble and her thighs softly caressed his manhood again. He clutched onto the sheets for self-control. He knew he will lose it if he fails to escape. So gathering all his wits and strength, he removed Krishna from himself without waking her. He breath a sign of relief but decided to relish his victory elsewhere and walked away from the room. He needed a cold shower.

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