Chapter 4

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                Trust. A small word with a huge significance. Few years back, Khanna empire suffered big losses and was on the verge of becoming pauper. As a family, they fought together to come out of it. Mehek and their children had full faith in Shaurya. They stood by his side, giving him full support. After many stressful months, Khanna industries were back on its feet. But those troubling days, taught Veer a lot. He had rough brush with reality. Friends became strangers. Foes became sincere friends. Above all, his sweet heart broke up with him. He was emotionally shattered but he didn't give up. Not only Khanna empire but Veer also emerged out as a phoenix. He became a new man with striking modifications in his personality. Many good and bad qualities were fused in to him owing to this experience.

It wasn't easy for Veer to trust people, especially women. In a weak moment, he had agreed to help Krishna and took Pari under his wing but he started to have second thoughts. Within a couple of days, Krishna brought Pari to his hospital and they were given special consideration due to his recommendation. Even if it didn't annoy him, slowly a sinister feeling was creeping into him. He doubted whether Krishna was trying to take advantage of him. Pari and Krishna opted to stay in a small house near his quarters. Krishna often visited him with home cooked meals and encouraged him to spend more time Pari. He liked it and without doubt looked forward to it. But as the saying goes; Once bitten, twice shy. He didn't want to risk to fall prey to another mishap. He didn't want to be rude to Krishna either. He was afraid to hurt Krishna if she was innocent. "Dadda", a cute female voice broke his train of thoughts.

Dadda is the term his little sister addresses him with affection. Veer was surprised to see her. "Nayani", he greeted her cheerfully and embraced her, "what a surprise? How come you are here?". "I thought of spending some quality time with my brother", she replied cheerfully but Veer sensed something amiss. "Is everything okay, Nayani?", he probed. "Oh Nothing, Dadda. I needed a change of place so came here to help you. Let me keep my stuffs in guest's room", she dodged him. Veer didn't push further. But soon he got all his answers when his mother called him. "It's Shashank", Mehek informed Veer. "Not that mutton head again", Veer hated his sister's boyfriend. "Veer, I know you dislike him but control yourself. Nayani and he had a lover's tiff. She wants to avoid him and chose to flee to your place", Mehek informed Veer. "Good choice. Nayani knows better that her puny boyfriend will never dare to cross me", Veer boasted. "Take care, Son", Mehek wished him before ending the call.

Nayani was used to a particular standard of living in Khanna mansion. Although she never acted snobbish and tried to adjust in his small 2 BHK, her discomfort was evident for Veer. Much to his chagrin, it irritated him in a day itself. He had already a lot in his plate to deal with and Nayani added to it. But suddenly an idea clicked. Why don't I use Nayani to test Krishna?, his clever brain proposed. He always considered Nayani to be better judge of her side of population. Infact Nayani always warned him that Shivani was no good for him. Probably her expertise could be used to check Krishna's intention. It will be harmless whilst effective method. As a positive sign to his plans, Krishna walked in carrying dinner for him.

Veer introduced Krishna and Nayani. He explained that Pari is a patient in his hospital and they were neighbours. Krishna noticed that he carefully omitted the part about him being Pari's potential donor. "Nayani, Krishna has taken interest to do volunteer work to support the hospital. Why don't you tag along with her? In this way, you won't be bored when I am working at hospital", he proposed. Both ladies were not enthusiastic. Eventually Nayani spoke up stating it's a good idea and Krishna nodded. Hope it won't turn disastrous, Veer prayed.

It turned out to be a disaster. Well, only for Veer. Nayani and Krishna got along like a house on fire. Nayani started to spend all her time with Krishna, there by ignoring Veer. Although he didn't complain, he felt left out. Probably it wasn't a good idea to make himself obsolete. Yet Krishna continued her care and concern towards him. She still bought food for them and they started to bond. Eventhough he was still wary to let his guards down, her friendship and Pari's affection were like a cool breeze in his life. She trusted him enough to leave Pari under his care. Amongst the entire whirlwind of emotions, he started to treasure Pari in his life. She was getting better with each day and Krishna beamed with joy. She believed that it was Veer's positive influence yet he chided away and gave credit to better medical care.

"Where is Krishna?", Veer inquired when he saw Nayani trying to make Pari asleep. "She had to leave urgently for her hometown and be back tomorrow afternoon ", Nayani explained. Veer wasn't happy with the news. A major check-up was scheduled for Pari and she needed proper rest & care. It confused him that Krishna chose to leave Pari at such a juncture. He tried to reach Krishna but was unsuccessful. When he came to check on Pari, he saw both Nayani and Pari were fast asleep. A faint smile escaped his lips while watching him. Nayani was sick for past few days but he was happy that she was taking good care of Pari. He knew his little sister will be a good mother in future. He placed a soft quilt on them and left after giving a quick peck on their foreheads.

A soft knock at his door made Veer stop his tracks as he headed to have his supper. "I am Triloki Shukla", the man standing at his door introduced him while walking in uninvited, "You may have heard about me". "No", Veer's curt reply irritated Triloki but he kept on his fake smile. "So Krishna Bhabhi never mentioned me", he acted sad. "Krishna never talked about her in-laws", Veer blurted out but regretted it. Triloki nodded his head thoughtfully and sat down. "She is not here", Veer tried to dismiss him. "I am here to meet you, her new Suitor" Triloki told him, "to drill some sense into you", he talked distastefully. "I know all about your...your little affair", Triloki's words shocked Veer but he continued, "Good Doctor helping sick child of a widow. But I am a man of world to know that you are not into it just for the goodwill". Veer balled his fists, trying hard to control his anger. "Look, I am not here to fight but to advise you. Krishna, my sister-in-law is penniless. However hard she tries, keeping her daughter as bait my father will never spare a penny from his wealth", Triloki declared.

 "What??',Curiosity got better of Veer. "So you never knew, did you?", Triloki smirked, "she is nothing without Pari. Why do you think she is trying her best to keep that girl alive? Coz she is her ticket to Shukla treasury". "Don't you care for Pari. Afterall she is your brother's blood", Veer tried to probe. "Ofcourse we do. We tried to get her custody but Krishna never agreed. She stayed away to keep Pari with her so that she could enjoy wealth", Triloki told confidently. Veer couldn't believe it. Krishna's attachment towards Pari was unquestionable. It was evident that she deeply cared about her daughter. Yet Triloki managed to sow seeds of suspicion in his vulnerable mind. 

Sensing that his job is done, Triloki stood upto leave, "Dr Veer, don't be a fool to fall for her charms. My brother was a victim and I hope you will not become another. You are not the first man in her life and definitely not the last one". "Thanks Mister for being thoughtful. I will be careful", Veer mocked Triloki, "however I don't buy your story about Krishna being an scheming woman. She is a good mother and responsible one too". "Really? Then why isn't she here with Pari? Don't you wonder where she is when Pari needs atmost care?", Triloki managed to shake Veer. "Dr Veer, let me enlighten you. Krishna is with my family, trying to get an out of court settlement for Radhe's share of wealth".

Why do I trust again just to be fooled? Why do I allow myself to be betrayed?, Veer's mind was not at rest. He shook weary feelings away and focused on Pari who was being wheeled into the examination room. She looked scared and was on verge of tears. "Don't worry, Angel", he patted her cheek and she sniffed. Nayani stood beside him and smiled at Pari. They were with her but she needed Krishna. Veer was still annoyed that Krishna chose to leave Pari. Nurse came out and asked for some of the earlier test reports. "Dadda, those reports were supposed to be delivered last evening. May be they would have been kept in your cabin", Nayani told him. Veer rushed to his cabin with Nayani in tow. They found the reports and Nayani ran grabbing them. While he was about to move, his eyes fell on another report that was kept below Pari's file. He took it out and looked into it. Veer was stunned when he read the statement written on it. ' Mrs Krishna Radhe Shukla had a positive pregnancy test CONFIRMED '.

Precap : Truth or another plot to shame Krishna . Veer confronts Krishna. 

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