Chapter 12

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                 Veer slowly opened his eyes. He realised that effect of anesthesia has slowly worn out since he felt sore. He looked around and a smiled bloomed on his face when he found Krishna dozing off near his bed. He was happy to find her beside him. Regardless of being a successful surgeon, when he was about to be drugged before surgery, fear crept into him. He questioned himself whom he will miss out dearly if he didn't make it. Is it his family or his friends or his own life? Smiling faces of Pari and Krishna flashed before his eyes and he knew the answer. Unknown to him, Krishna and Pari had become integral part of his life. Pari, he suddenly remembered his daughter and started to fidget. 

Krishna woke up from her cat nap and held him steady. "How is Pari?", he asked anxiously. Her heart swelled with joy as well as insecurity to know that someone else is as worried as she is for Pari. "She is fine. Dr Juhi said the surgery went well", she informed while settling him back carefully. "Did you see her?", he asked again. "Only from afar. They are keeping under post-surgical care where strictly no outsiders are permitted", she explained to him although he was well versed. His restlessness passed away once he knew about Pari. "Try to sleep. I will be here", Krishna told him. Sensing his anxiety, she corrected, "I cannot do much standing alone at the corridor beside post-surgical ward. It is better I am here and make myself useful". He chuckled and closed his eyes. Soon he drifted of sleep while Krishna caressed his forehead.

"You look fine", Dr Juhi checked his reports , "I guess in couple of days, you are good to be discharged". Veer and Krishna thanked her. Veer quickly asked her, "Can we see Pari?". Juhi gave a dismayed looked at them, "Dr. Veer, I know it's hard being a parent but you know it better". Veer and Krishna exchanged silent looks and Juhi knew they both were anxious about Pari so she explained it again. "Pari is fine post-surgery. But human body, especially a child takes a bit longer to react to the transplanted stem cell and fight back the cancer. Till then patient has to be very careful not to get any infections ", she paused, "Considering Pari's tender age and health, we need to be extremely cautious. She has to be kept protected against external bodies". 

"I know, Dr Juhi", Veer spoke apologetically. In reflex he grabbed Krishna's palm and spoke again to Juhi, "Yet we will be grateful, if we could meet Pari for a moment". Years of experience in medical field had made Juhi realise their state of mind yet in best interest of her patient she had to deny them. "In few days, you will be able to see her. Till then please bear with us", Dr. Juhi calmed them. Krishna nodded quietly and accompanied Juhi till the door. "Did your friend leave?", Juhi asked amicably. Krishna became pale hearing her query. Involuntarily she glanced back at Veer and replied quickly, "She isn't a friend, more like an old acquaintance. Meeting her here again was pure coincidence". Dr. Juhi nodded thoughtfully and left with her signature smile. Yet her mind nagged that Krishna seemed to be lying.

Krishna fluffed the pillows in the bedroom as Veer came after a quick bath. He was happy to be back home after few days of stay at hospital. As promised, Dr Juhi allowed them to see Pari for a brief time period. They were thoroughly cleansed and decked up in disinfected scrubs along with other protective gears. They were happy that they could meet Pari and find her getting better. Once back home, Veer noticed that Krishna was fidgeting around and found it joyful that she did everything to make him feel better. Apart from his mother, none ever took pain to take care of him and he was enjoying it. Yet a pricking feeling in his mind told that she is just trying to make it even for his service for Pari. 

"You don't have to treat me like a child", he told firmly. "I am not", she told quickly. "You don't have to feel obliged to me either. I did it for my daughter. She is mine too", he told a bit more rashly. She went quiet for a moment and then nodded, "I know". She looked so lost and confused that he felt bad for her. For a moment, he forgot that she was equally miserable as he was or probably even more , afterall she is his Angel's mother. As she tried to walk away, he held her hand, "Krishna, I am sorry. It's just that at times I feel.....". She gave him a weak smile before he could complete his reasoning, "I understand it, Veer. Let's focus on your health so that we both can take care of Pari when she is back". She wanted to cook dinner and asked his preferences but he had better idea.

Krishna munched on piece of pizza like a glutton. Veer felt happy that he had decided to give her a break from kitchen and ordered in pizza. "It's been ages since I ate any junk", Krishna giggled while enjoying it. She had been busy taking care of Pari and shuttling between hospitals for long. Among many guilty pleasures she had denied herself, fast food was the one she missed most. Veer gulped hard when she snatched another piece greedily. He was glad to see her with her guards down, behaving like a child. "I used to hog on pizza & beer when I was in college", she told between gulping the food. "A time when we met?", he asked carefully. Krishna dropped her childishness and became rigid. He regretted his haste and mentally scolded himself for ruining the moment. Krishna quickly murmured some excuse and got away.

"I am sorry", Veer apologized when he later found her in his room. "There is no need", she gave a fake smile and went back arranging his cloths in wardrobe. He stealthily walked towards her and made her face him, "I am really sorry, Krishna. If it's really difficult for you to recall our....our...", Veer was finding it difficult go on. Tagging their union as a one-night-stand appeared to be distasteful, especially when she had conceived Pari that night. Krishna sobbed and covered her face. Veer felt like kicking himself for hurting her again. He could do nothing but her embrace her.

"I am not a bad person, Veer", she told him between her tears, "Marriage. Husband. Child. I never wanted any of these. But now I have none other than Pari". He tried to understand her mind. She was one of those girls who tried to live her life in her own term and have some fun. Before she could sense her mistake and amend it, she was pushed into a loveless marriage. Fortunately she had an understanding husband who accepted her along with Pari but fate again tore him away from her. Veer's assumptions about Krishna ran through his mind. 

 "I am so scared", her voice startled him. "Don't be. Krishna. I am here with you. I will always be with you", he promised but she was still weeping. He pecked her forehead and said, "Regardless of your lies, I cannot define  my feelings for you, Krishna. You are special to me", he kissed her cheeks and continued, "I will always take care of you", finally he kissed her lips softly. She was too weak to protest and yielded when he pushed her onto the bed.

Next morning when Krishna woke up, she found herself cocooned in warmth of Veer's bare body. His hot breath fanned her naked skin. When she recalled last night, it gave her goosebumps. Stickiness between her thighs and soreness of her body were reminders of their passionate night. Veer had again seduced her into his bed. It is unfair to hold him responsible, her logic mind rebuked. Krishna knew she was accountable too. She had allowed herself to fall for his charms again. She had given up blaming others for her mistakes. It was never his fault. Veer is trying to overlook her mistakes and wishes to spend a fruitful life with Pari along her. While she perfectly knew it is not possible, she is guilty for leading him on. Yet she was helpless to deny his feeling and be honest with him. Krishna was cheating Veer, again.

Krishna was living in a castle of cards made up of lies. It's her fate that one day it will be destroyed. All she could pray was Pari's safety and well-being. Regardless of the fact that Veer could provide Pari with the best , she wanted to keep Pari as her own. She had lost a lot in past and decided to be selfish. She knew she should leave him on but was afraid to lose Pari. It hurt her to acknowledge that eventually Veer will be deeply hurt. With those painful thoughts, she stirred in bed and Veer spoke drowsily, "It's early, Krishna. Sleep for some more time". But she denied and pulled herself out of his arms. She quickly collected her cloths from floor and dashed out of the room while Veer chuckled misunderstanding it as her shyness.

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