Chapter 11

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                                Veer groaned in pain when curtains were drawn back, letting sunrays fall on his face. He looked at Krishna who kept a glass of lemon juice on bedside table. "Have it", she gestured to the glass, "it helps to curb hangover". "No need to show fake concern", he spewed at her. "It's not fake concern", she gave back strongly, "I am genuinely anxious about your health. Because it holds cure for my daughter's life". "OUR daughter", he raised his voice. Krishna peeped behind to ensure that Pari is not around and spoke in comparatively lower voice, "Listen carefully, Dr. Veer. Few days back you never even knew she existed. So let's not complicate and argue but accept that she is just MY daughter". "You never cease to amaze me, Krishna", he stood up to confront her, "You still have the nerve to fight rather than apologizing". 

"Apology my foot", she sneered, "you just put her into a woman's womb and conveniently forgot about it all". "And that women easily married another man and declared him as her father. Bravo!", he fought back. Krishna wanted to verbally assault him but refrained fearing Pari's distress. She took a deep breath, "Look, my primary concern is Pari and her health. If you even care a bit then please cooperate". He too calmed himself as if acceding to her. "You are a woman of many shades, Krishna", he tried to insinuate her. "You are right, Dr Veer. I am woman with many secrets and few are dangerous . Better keep your distance else I may burn you", she warned and started to walk away but his voice stalled her. "We are not done here, Krishna. But I agree that right now Pari's health is my top priority as well", he told firmly.

"This your grandfather and grandmother", Veer showed photograph of Mehek and Shaurya to Pari. "I never met them, Papa. When will you take me to your home?", Pari asked eagerly. "Never", their soft moment was interrupted by Krishna, "Pari, we have already talked about it, haven't we? We are not going to Pappa's home or meet his parents", she spoke sternly to Pari. "Don't worry, Angel. Once you are well, we will go to them", Veer consoled Pari. Krishna was about to contradict but Veer gestured her to be silent. When she saw Pari embracing Veer with a huge smile, she decided to let it slide. 

Veer carried her to her room and made her sleep. Once he knew she was his own flesh and blood, he started to spend as much as time possible with Pari. He always felt a strange connection with Pari but now he realised that she is actually his Angel. Krishna was anxious by their closeness yet her primary concern was Pari. The happier Pari felt the better her health will be. She knew a long battle awaited her but at present, her entire focus was for her daughter.

Krishna sat uncomfortably on the steps of their home. It's past midnight and weather was chilly yet she didn't move in. Sleep was far away and her mind was in turmoil. Tomorrow, Veer & Pari will get admit for the surgery. A definite turning point of their lives. It's been few days, since Veer knew about Pari's paternity. After their initial showdowns, surprisingly things simmered down. Possibly because they both cared about Pari's health. Yet she knew it was calm before the storm. Krishna wanted to weep and cry out loud but she remained numb. "What are you doing here?", Veer's voice beamed from behind. 

"You should be sleeping", she told him out of concern. "So do you", he retorted. "But you are the one going to be operated tomorrow so you need complete rest", she began to get up but he made her sit down. Then he sat beside her and atmosphere became silent again. He was angry at her and wanted to fight but couldn't. Sitting beside, curbing the cold with warmth of one another, they spent some time being quiet. "Pari will be fine. We got the best medical team for her", he told sensing her untold worry. 

Suddenly tears made way and left out a faint cry, "I have none other than Pari". She sobbed, covering her face. He pulled closer and whispered to her, "I am here for you. We are in this together". Regardless of her severe denial, it was the truth that he is Pari's father and he made her accept it. "Please don't cry. Me and Pari, we both need you to be strong", he whispered to her. He cupped her face and moved to peck her lips but she pulled away. "I am not an easy woman, Dr Veer", she told strongly and got up to leave.

"I know you aren't", he held to her wrist. She looked back in wonder while continued, "If I question your character then I am questioning character my sister and mother too". Krishna stood in daze but he went ahead, "I know you are a dishonest woman but not corrupt one. You are a maze; a puzzle comes up at each turn. A women of secrets", he sighed, "Yet I know you are an honourable woman. You are Mother of my daughter. Being an unmarried mother, you might have gone through a lot to give birth to Pari. Although I am angry, my respect for you haven't changed". His words were not those she had expected. He grabbed her hand and rubbed it reassuringly, "You can talk to me if you want". With a heavy mind, she sat beside him but stayed silent. 

Veer was desperate to know her mind. Finally he asked, "Did Radhey know that Pari is not his daughter?". Krishna looked away being distressed. He felt bad to make her uncomfortable and was about to apologize but she quickly spoke before him, "He knew. It was our mutual decision to bring up Pari as our daughter". Veer knew that her sad words had truth yet he could make out that entire picture was still not uncovered. Krishna still held many cards close to her chest and didn't trust to share it with him. He was determined to earn her trust and know it all.

"You need to sleep", Krishna advised him. "Can you please stay with me tonight?", he asked cutely. She was taken aback, "No, I need to be in Pari's room", she tried to avoid him. "Krishna please", he begged. "Dr. Veer, I know you are worried about me but I am fine now", she tried to reason. "But I need you", he plead her and she gave in. They went to master bedroom and got ready to sleep. As Krishna laid down beside him, her heart started to beat faster. Veer moved closer and hugged her from behind. She felt peaceful while he spooned to her, covering her with his warmth. "Good night, Wifey", he pecked her hair. "Good night, Veer", she wished back with a slight smile. Soon they both fell asleep.

Krishna woke up with a start. Her restless mind had haunted her dreams. She turned to look at Veer who was sleeping peacefully. She couldn't help but caressed his face lovingly, "I am sorry, Veer but I cannot lose Pari. Please forgive me", she pecked his forehead before resting herself over his chest. Carefully she wiped away her tears so that they won't fall over him. She prayed for Veer & Pari and tried to catch some sleep.

Next morning, Krishna was on verge of break down when Pari was taken into the theater for her surgery. Still she kept her on check to avoid scaring Pari. But when when Veer was wheeled to the theater, she couldn't control her tears. "Hey, we will be fine. Before you blink your eyes, it will be over and we will be playing hide & seek with our daughter", he humoured and she too uttered a slight laugh amidst her tears. She bend down and pecked his forehead before whispering a faint 'come back soon'.

Once the doors of operation theater closed after taking in Veer, Krishna fell down being broken. She crumbled onto the white tiled floor and covered her face in her hands to sob. There were very few passerby other than the staff and nurses. They all looked at her sympathetically. In a hospital, it was not rare scene to witness people breaking down so none came to pacify her until a tender hand fell on her shoulder. Krishna looked up to meet the person. Her eyes widened in shock as it was last person she ever wanted to encounter again. Yet unable to contain her emotions, she flung herself into the arms of that person while addressing her name, "Shivani". 

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