Chapter 8

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                                "I cannot believe that it's you, Krishna", Nayani giggled while glancing at an old photograph posted in social media. Krishna laughed too, "Me too. Those were the days when my father could afford my education in posh college in city. I was good at studies but equally wild and crazy". "You were so lucky. I could never stay away from home due to my health issues", Nayani told grumpily. "I missed home but hostel life was so cool. Most Fridays were party nights when our gang will booze, party hard and get wasted", Krishna recalled her days. "You know Krishna, you may have met Dadda in those days. He was equally flamboyant", Nayani joked. Krishna gasped then both ladies laughed out loud. 

Nayani still couldn't believe Krishna's stories. Finally Krishna sighed, "It all lasted until my dad fell sick. He was unable to work and couldn't pay my fees. I moved back home and took care of him. I never complained infact was happy that I could be with him. I managed to continue studies from home. But then one day fearing my security in future, he forced me to marry". Nayani pressed her hands in compassion."My in-laws were orthodox and looked down on women. They considered women as baby machines or food makers. But Radhey....", she fumbled tearfully while Nayani pulled her closer. Unknown to ladies, Veer who had just arrived from work,was listening to them. "Radhey was a nice guy. He loved me sincerely. He did everything to keep me happy, even promising to continue my studies. At times I feel I never gave him the love and care, he deserved", Krishna told sadly. Feeling that he was crossing his limits by eavesdropping, Veer made his presence felt by clearing his throat.

"21..22...23...", they hear Pari counting before seeking them out. Veer was just out of warm relaxing shower when Pari pulled him also to a game of hide & seek. Nayani also seemed to be really excited to relive her childhood days. Eventually he had to give in and participate. Veer was hiding perfectly behind the curtain when he found Krishna near searching for a place to hide. He quickly pulled her to his hiding place and shushed her before Pari caught her. In excitement, Krishna giggled while they sneaked to check where Pari was. Suddenly a drop of water from his wet hair fell on her shoulder, pulling her out of child play. She found herself leaning closer to his masculine body with his strong palm spread softly over her stomach. She took a deep breath to calm herself and looked behind to see his expression. He was smiling playfully until their eyes met. 

Big Mistake, her mind yelled at her on finding his expression change. She cannot claim that she was unfamiliar with it. Afterall she was married and had a loving husband who dotted on her. She was supposed to tear away from their eyelock  and wake him up but she didn't. He dipped head to meet her shoulder and licked away the droplet. She drew a sharp breath and kept her hand on his palm which held her firmly by her stomach. It could have progressed but their trance were broken when Pari squealed. "I can see your feet. Ma...Pappa...I know you are behind the curtain", Pari screamed in excitement. Her warning gave them enough time to compose before she exposed them by pulling away the curtain. "Smart Girl", Veer tried to cover his embarrassment. "Ofcourse, Pari is so smart", Krishna joined him and suggested, "why don't we go and find Nayani Aunty?". Krishna managed to escape while he remained wondering how could lost control on himself;again.

"Few more tests and we will prepare for Pari's surgery", Dr Juhi Singh informed Krishna. Although it was an expected outcome, Krishna trembled and tears filled her eyes. "Krishna, It's going to be fine", Nayani side hugged to console her. Krishna was happy that Nayani accompanied them and tried to smile. After their not so modest encounter at home, Veer had kept distance from her. In a way she was thankful for his understanding,still she couldn't suppress a slight disappointment. Veer came back to Juhi's cabin after providing his samples for further tests. "Dr Veer, we know that you are a potential donor but still it's our procedure to take the tests again", Dr Juhi explained. He nodded his head and looked at Krishna who looked lost. "She will be fine. This is best medical care we could provide her and Dr Juhi Singh is one of the best doctors in our country", he told her earnestly while keeping a consoling hand on her shoulder. His caring confident words brought her solace. In reflex she squeezed his hand thankfully. Nayani too hugged Krishna and she tried to smile through the storm.

"Mothers are usually most affected", Juhi told Veer while they watched Krishna bidding farewell to Pari. Juhi had decided to keep Pari under observation and hence she has to spend few days in hospital. Bystanders were not allowed in I.C.U for children. Juhi had assured that their well trained staff will take care of Pari and they can visit her next during visitor's hours. Krishna had a tough time to leave Pari alone but she had to comply. "Probably you both can use this as couples time", Juhi smiled but Veer was puzzled. "Most of the times, parents are so occupied with well-being for their sick child that they forget about themselves. It could cause a rift amongst them as a couple. So may be these few hours you can spend for one another as spouses and not as parents", Juhi's words reflected her maturity and experience. Veer nodded regardless of the truth that they were neither an actual couple nor he was Pari's father. While he pondered on it, he realized that their bitter reality pricked him.

"Any hope?", Krishna asked anxiously while holding the flashlight for Veer to examine the engine of their car. After dropping Nayani, their car broke down on their way back home. It was dark & lonely , adding to their woes it started to drizzle. "I don't think it will start", Veer replied regretfully. They were miles away from home and couldn't spot any civilization nearby. The car chose to broke down at isolated area which appeared dangerous as each hour passed. "Let's walk to find help", she suggested and he agreed. Veer extended his hand and she took it without second thoughts. She felt safe with him and didn't want to leave his side. While they walked, her grip tightened on him. Sensing her fear, he kept his hand on hers, "We will be fine", he reassured her.

"I saw you both earlier at the hospital", the elderly lady who dwells in the dingy cottage told them. After walking in rain for couple of miles, they found shelter at her home. She had introduced herself as Maria. She took them in immediately and gave them dry cloths. The air was chill and Veer pulled lapels of the bath robe he wore to fight it. Krishna was in one of the house gowns of Maria. Veer couldn't smile when he saw her in a tent like attire which could easily accommodate another Krishna. "It's a good hospital. I am also their patient", her words brought sympathy from the couple but she brushed it away, "I am as healthy as a bull. It will take few more years to take me down", she laughed out. Her confidence and positivity, amazed both Krishna & Veer. When she probed further about their visit to hospital, Krishna divulged about Pari's condition. The motherly woman came beside Krishna and Veer to grab their palms,"It will all be fine. Have faith in Almighty".

Krishna blinked back her tears. When she shivered, Veer held her and rubbed her body to induce warmth. Maria smiled at his affectionate gesture while Krishna felt awkward. To divert the subject, she asked about pictures on wall. "These are all my kids", Maria beamed while Veer & Krishna looked confused. They were so many children of various age, colour and gender. Maria laughed and explained, "I took care of them as their Nanny", she pulled a wine bottle and poured to them, "I was fortunate to have many children who still remember me and care for their old nanny". When she offered wine, they were skeptical. "This is homemade wine. Don't worry", she encourage while they sipped from it. Maria informed them that they won't be able to hire a vehicle or find a mechanic since it was late hours. When she offered them to spend a night in her cottage, they had to helplessly agree. 

Precap: KrishVeer romance at cottage

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