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Unedited 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Unedited 🤷🏽‍♀️

"Okay so, baby is still underweight for you to be at 7 and a half months, or 30 weeks,

"But this is what we expected right?" Mikey asked.

"Correct. Heartbeat sounds like it's getting stronger," Dr. Stewart watched the ultrasound,

"I'm gonna be honest. I'm looking at the screen and I can hear the heartbeat, but it's hard to tell where the baby is," Malika stated.

"The structures of your baby's features are all right here," Dr. Stewart pointed to a particular spot on the screen.

"Oh okay, gotcha,"

Malika was lying, all she saw was black and grey on the screen.

Mikey chuckled underneath his breath because he could tell.

He could see the baby very clearly, but for some reason, Malika strugged with looking at ultrasounds.

"Any problems lately?"

"Well my feet have been swelling a lot lately. And I've been super nauseous. No throwing up at all, just constant nausea,"

"Could be early signs of pre-eclampsia, but we'll get you checked out before we make any conclusions,"

"If I do have that, will my baby be okay?"

"Should be. If you were to go into early labor for anything, your baby would be born with some complications due to being a preemie, but it's nothing that we haven't dealt with before." She cleared her throat,

"But regardless, your baby will be born underweight,"

"This is a lot," Malika sighed.

"No, no, no...don't stress about it. We're doing everything thay we can to make this as easy as possible for your family," Dr .Stewart wiped the gel off of her tummy.

"I know, but I feel like this is all my fault,"

"Focus on the future. In a few short weeks, you and your husband will be meeting your little baby. ,"

"And that's all that matters," Mikey smiled as he interlaced their fingers.


Malika was told that she didn't have pre-eclampsia, but that she need to rest and stay off of her feet for next few weeks.

"I haven't even been doing anything much lately. My first college semester is over, so I'm not stressing; and im always at home, so what is the doctor talking about?"

Mikey looked over at an annoyed Malika who sat in the passengers seat.

"Baby you been ripping and running around the house tryna get the nursery together. I told you I got it,"

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