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I silently cheer as I hear the final bell of the day ring, signaling that school was over

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I silently cheer as I hear the final bell of the day ring, signaling that school was over.

Today's Friday and it has been one hell of a week.

I had so many tests and midterms this week, but I was excited because we get a break from school for about 2 weeks.

I'll probably catch up on sleep for the next couple of days cause the bags under my eyes are starting to become stronger.

And trust me, they're not cute.

I get into my Jeep and head home.

Once I'm inside, I see many boxes and people in the living room talking as my mom runs around with a checklist.

Tomorrow was our annual block cookout.

My parents would be barbecuing for the entire block, church members, and anyone that attended was welcomed.

It was usually pretty relaxing to just have everyone around talking and dancing without talking about the Holy Spirit every five minutes.

"Hey, baby how was school?" My mom asks.

"It was good, I passed all my midterms!" I said excitedly.

"That's my girl. I'm so proud of you," she says back to me.

"You've got a smart one Sherri," one of my mom's friend says. 

"I sure do," she says admiring me.

"Hey where's dad?" I notice he's gone when I don't hear his loud booming voice.

"Oh he went out to get a few last-minute things but he should be back in around an hour,"

"Oh well, I'll be upstairs,"

"Wait! Can you go out and get the rest of the tablecloths?" She nervously asks me.

"Sure," I say as I head back out to go to the store.

I place the tablecloths on the checkout counter waiting for a cashier.

I check my phone as the cashier tells me she'll be right with me.

"Is the cookout any fun?" I read the text from a random number.

"Who's this? 😶" I respond as I pay for my items.

I get back into the car and head home.

My music is cut off when I hear my phone loudly ringing.

"Hello," I asked the strange number from earlier.

"It's Mikey,"

We haven't spoken in 2 weeks, and I kind of forgot about him.

"Hey how'd you know about the cookout?" I ask.

"Larry invited me,"

"Oh. Well I mean is pretty chill, and everyone's relaxed. But the churchgoers can get real...spiritual at times,"

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