♡Wolf!Fresh X Shy!Wolf! Reader♡

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You cringed from the bright sun, growling softly as your paws burned from the scorching grass. You yipped in pain, examining your once pink-ish paws that have now turned red from the burns. You snarled at the sight, heaving a sigh of frustration. You took a look at the seldom leaves that barely made any shade from the sun, you trotted through the forest, your home, except anxiety filled you. Now you're wondering why someone would feel anxiety at their own shelter. Being a wolf was never easy, hunters roamed your forest, hunting for your fur for their own income. It hurts your guts to think about that, having lost a few friends because of that. But the past shall always remain the past, you could only move on. Another reason why you were always anxious was because of the wolf packs out there. Animals always had their enemies, even if they weren't humans. We may seem like peaceful animals but we're all bite and no bark, we're straight to the point. You grinned softly at the thought but soon started panting as the heat got to you. Sweat stuck to your fur, making you feel uncomfortable as your tongue could only dangle out, panting like a wild dog. You whined before spotting shade from a nearby tree. Your eyes lit up with joy as you trotted over, smiling as you laid down comfortably. You snuggled into your spot, embracing the shade that fell onto your fur.

You felt the cold hit your body, making you shiver as you let out a sigh. Everything was perfect, birds chirped up in the trees above you, crickets yelling out their mating call as the leaves above you rustled along with the wind. That was until you could hear the sounds of another wolf pack. Your ears twitched when you heard the sound, frowning as thoughts started clouding your mind. You peeked an eye open, looking around for any signs of another of your being. A silhouette of wolf after wolf started walking towards your direction, making you panic as you shakily started getting up. A loud growl hit your ears as one of them tackled you to the ground, pinning you down. You yipped in surprise as you tried clawing at their face to get them off of you. Of course you failed as your paws flew in the air. You watch nervously as they started to circle around you, the one that pinned you down stepped back to do the same. You immediately got up in a defensive state, growling back at them but there was a obvious shiver in your voice. The wolves yipped at you, causing you to lose all the strength you had in your legs, making you fall to the ground in weakness. They seemed to laughed at you as they started howling loudly. You shivered, knowing what could happen next. You merely prepared yourself for the worst, closing your eyes shut in fear. You felt their claws tear at your skin, making you howl out in pain, trying your best to struggle out of their grip. You felt another bite down on you, letting the blood flow out of the wound. You could feel yourself losing all the strength you once had. You let out one last cry of pain as black dots started clouding your vision, your body fell to the ground, weak and almost lifeless as you prayed for someone to save you.

Light hovered your eyes, blinding you despite your eyes being closed. You yip in frustration, slowly moving your paws to get up when pain shot through you, making you howl in pain again as you fell against something...soft? You groggily looked around, eyes squinting at the unfamiliar place. Your wounds restricted your movements so you could only take a good look of what was to your side and in front of you. You couldn't help but sigh as your memories started to flow in, reminding you of what happened. You didn't know why those wolves were so aggressive towards you, you didn't even know them!..Or maybe you stepped into their territory. But if you did, how were you still alive now? Just then, another voice filled the air, making your ears twitch and looked around. Your eyes landed onto a wolf that seemed to fill the room with light from his..bright clothes? You were a little confused but you slowly got up from where you were resting. Moving was a trouble but you had to know what was going on. Pain surged your body with great speed but you held your ground as the wolf you just met ran over to you, yipping at you as a signal to lay down and rest. You merely growled, holding a defensive state. This other being may have saved you but at what cost? Was he going to save you and hurt you like they did? You shivered at the thought but held your menacing glare. Obviously, his next reaction was not one that you would expect. He howled in laughter as he merely leaned in close, your noses touching, making your insides turn. What was he doing? You tried to push him away but we all knew that injuries always bring limits.

You sigh in frustration as you put your paws back onto the ground but still kept your guard up just in case. You slowly laid back down, snuggling into it's warmth, not noticing the wolf staring at you. You closed your eyes, sniffing the area to take in it's scent as you decided to take some quick shut eye when you suddenly felt a wet muscle licking away at your face. You recoiled and looked up at the wolf with annoyance as it barked softly so as to not hurt your eyes. You rolled your eyes as you laid your head back down, smiling softly. Your bodies soon collided in what they call, hug, as he embraced you tightly, licking away at your fur. You merely let him do what he wants, not giving a damn about what was happening right now, just as long as you were safe, that's all.

'Hmph, Fresh Huh? Sounds interesting...'

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