Naj!Fresh X Nerd!reader

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(Art is not mine!)
You were a nerd,an often target for the jocks,Pj and his gang.You were really strong in magic but never really used it,You only used it if it there was an emergency or when you really wanted to teach the jocks a lesson.(*winky face*) You were also friends with fresh and his other nerd friends,You all loved to spend the weekends together doing homework,each anime,play truth or dare or have a sleepover.But you had a HUGE crush on fresh but never really got the courage to confess.But what you didn't know is that he had a crush on you too.

~with you and goth~
"If you really like him then why don't you just use another way to confess,that's how I confessed to palette" (I'm so sorry if you don't ship hen but I find this ship really cute :3)
"How did you do it Goth?" You asked him with a lot of curiousity since you really wanted to confess to fresh. "Heh if I told you,i would be a spoiler" He smirked as you whined,begging him to tell you his secret.But he just ignored you and walked off with his smirk stuck on his face.What you didn't know is that he and Palette has a plan to make you two's what happened ;)

~with Palette and Goth~(goth in bold and Palette in Italian)
"So I will be going to (Y/N)'a locker and you will be going to fresh's locker?" "Mmh!" "You sure they won't get mad at us for doing this?" "Of course!now come on!let's go"
Palette grabbed goth's hand and ran to your locker first before placing "Fresh's" note at the front of her locker so you could notice it.Then they ran to Fresh's locker and placed "Your" letter before running back to the

~after school since they did it during their class hours~
You were walking to your locker with alphys.Once we reached it, she pointed out the note that was on your locker.You looked at it confused before taking it off and reading it
"Dear (Y/N),I would like to tell you something important so please meet me at the cherry blossom tree after school.
You smiled before stuffing it in your pocket and tried not to blush brightly when you heard alphy squeal and whisper "I ship it"

~with fresh~
I was with papyrus and blooky when I saw a note on my locker.I went up to it and read it out loud,forgetting that the others were behind me
"Dear fresh,
I heard you were free today so I thought that I would like to spend time to with at the cherry blossom tree that we normally hang out at.Hope to see you there!
He blushed brightly but smiled as he heard his friends squealing behind him.Soon it was time,I quickly stuff my homework in my sling bag before running to the cherry blossom tree and spotted    (Y/N) there.I ran up to her and tapped her shoulder causing her to jump a little in surprise and turn around to look at me.

She soon smiled brightly and said "Heya fresh,what did you want to tell me?" I looked at her confused. "You didn't come here to hang out?"She looked more confused and pulled out a simple looking (F/C) note and showed it to me.I read it and soon looked shocked. "I mean I did wanted to confess to her for a while now...might as well do it at the right time and right place" I thought to myself as I lifted her chin up(Your shorter than him,please don't kill author-chan -w-) and  kissed her.

~(Y/N)'s POV~
My eyes widened to the size of meat balls (>:3,You can't judge meh)As I felt him kiss me.I repeat.KISS.ME!my crush is kissing me.I slowly melted and kissed back.I could feel him smile through the kiss but was soon cut short when both of us jump back in surprise when we heard our other nerd friends cheer and squeal in surprise as papyrus took a pic.You smiled as Fresh chased him around,demanding him to delete it.

High school love is cute,do you disagree?

A/N:sorry guys for not updating sooner,I had to use my creativity to think about another request which I am really trying to work on since it's hard.Sorry if this one was crap,hope you enjoyed it tho.If you didn't,that's also okay.But anyways,SEE YA'LL IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!*rides on a horse and rides away :3* (also ya,I can ride a horse -_-)

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