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   It was just a normal day. Killua woke up, got ready, grabbed his card, and went out to find something to do. The rays of sunlight hit his pale skin, as he walks through the bustling city. The white-haired male felt rather lonely today.

   It's been a couple of years since he and Gon separated. They were both now 15, and they hang out now and then, but those visits never lasted very long. Time seemed to pass by slower after they split. Killua chuckled as he thought of the times when he and Gon were still 12, running around causing chaos and could probably burn down an entire village with their madness.

   Alluka decided she wanted to become a hunter, "Just like big brother!" She said. He was fearful, of course. He didn't want her to go through torturous training to get stronger, but he respected her decision and helped her find a mentor for her training.

   Killua kept walking through the town, staring at random stalls or signs. It's been a couple of months since he actually strolled through town, as he was usually out on missions or visiting Alluka. The white-haired male came to a halt, as he observed a sign in front of him.

   "Library of Miracles?" Killua said to himself as he chuckled at the childish name.

   Seeing as he had nothing better to do, he stepped inside.

   What greeted him was an odd aroma. He was expecting a more dusty and wooden scent, but instead, he was greeted with a sort of citrus smell. A combination of lemons and watermelons, an odd combination certainly, but it didn't smell too bad.

   He looked around, it was a decent interior. Sturdy bookshelves, an upper floor for more books, organized sections, and best of all, barely any people. The only company there were just 2 librarians.

   'Perfect' he thought.

   Killua walked around, looking for something that might have caught his interest. There were quite a few actually that caught his eye. By the time he stopped looking and sat down, there were probably 5-7 books in his arms. He hummed a bit as he walked to a nearby table to read peacefully.

   A pale arm grabbed a book at the top of the stack, he admired the cover for a bit. It looked and smelled new, yet he could tell by the inside that it was probably around a year or two old. The forest green color reminded him of a certain friend of his. He felt the hardcover against his hands, it was a nice texture. It didn't feel like cardboard, it felt more like a smooth and flexible, yet hard and durable. He stared at the title for a bit, 'A Hero to the Future, what a mysterious title.' Killua thought to himself before he turned the page.

   Immediately, he felt something odd happening. 'There are no words?!' He mentally screamed. When he was trying to close the book to report this odd book to the librarians, his hands wouldn't move.

   'What the hell?? Why can't I move my hands?!' Killua quickly glanced at the grinning librarians. "What seems to be the problem, sir?" They both wickedly say at the same time. "Why can't I move my hands!? Let me go you psychos!!" Killua screamed at them. They both cackle as Killua struggled to pry himself off, but his hands wouldn't move. 

   Suddenly, a bright light shone from the blank pages of the book. The cackling only got louder, he clenched his teeth, as he saw the light was getting brighter, and he was getting sucked in! 

   Then, everything went black. He woke up to a strange tunnel, spiraling in every direction. He kept his guard up, but then a strange sight caught his attention. Images, many, many images of familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. 

《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓𝙃 & 𝙈𝙃𝘼 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now