Property of My Mind

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Walking back,
And with each step,
Haggardly placed on the ground,
The darkness envelops me.
Not taking away my vision,
Though I do stumble and stagger,
But taking away my will;
I don't want to keep fighting,
I'm tired.

I'm used to this anyway.

I tried so desperately this time.
So hard,
Just to finally give up;
One final attack,
That was so easily defended.
I dread the closer I get,
My uneven footsteps disturb the hush that's fallen around me,
As I fight going into auto pilot,
Losing control.

I guess my time has come.

That's it for me then.
I suppose there's nothing left.
All my life was simply the battle,
Just the constant wish of freedom,
The clash of swords lulling me to sleep,
The screams paving my paths.
Pretty pathetic, huh?
All I can say is how I've lost to the darkness.
That's all I am now.

Property of my mind.

Nobody Believes MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang