Waking Up

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Hand intertwined with hand,
Breath tickling my neck,
Body flowing perfectly with mine,
Arms holding me tight,
Heat lulling me to sleep.

How lucky am I,
To have someone,
To sleep next to.
Someone I can,
Talk to and lov-


My hand reaches for cold sheets,
My body rolls to an empty spot,
My head finds an untouched pillow,
My arms look for someone to hold.
I open my eyes to find I'm alone.

Only a dream.
To think I could have someone,
To think my nights could be warm.
Now I feel more alone than ever.

I still remember how it felt,
To be held as I drifted off.
I savor the feeling,
Because I know,
My dreams won't come true.

Nobody Believes MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon