But Here I Am

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(Slight warning here: mentions of self harm.)

I thought I knew who to trust,
Thought I knew what to trust.
I thought I could tell the difference,
I thought it was simple.
I thought,
But here I am.

You know,
Lying to yourself is easy,
If it's something you want,
Not something you need.

You know,
Feeling is easy,
If you don't want to be numb,
Not feeling the pain.

You know,
Hurting yourself is easy,
If you know what to do,
And you don't go too far.

You know,
Giving up is easy,
If you've got nothing to try for,
And you're all alone.

I thought I could survive,
I thought I was strong.
I thought I knew right from wrong,
Thought I had the answers.
I thought,
But here I am.

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