Still Here

14 4 3

All around you,
People are living.
People go through the hurt,
The rough times,
The worst parts of life,
And they are living.

Here you sit,
The only one.
Not living,
But dwelling.
Just weak.
Just giving up.

Cheeks stained with your tears,
The only thing you've known these years.
The screams that fill you with pain,
These things you repeat again and again.
You're the only thing that keeps you broken,
All of that happened back then.

Why do you let it affect you?
Why do you let it control you?
Why let him continue to hurt you?

He's not here.
You aren't physically hurting.
Let it go.
Stop dwelling;
Start living.

He doesn't control you anymore.

Just get over it.

Just move on.


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