Too Much to Ask?

24 7 2

I don't care if you play games,
Just keep one ear open,
To listen to my rambles
About nothing really important.

I don't care if you like parties,
Just introduce me to the people,
So they can all be aware
That I'm the one who holds you.

I don't care you're a foodie,
Just save a bit for me,
So we can criticize together
And enjoy the regal feel.

I don't care if you're a writer,
Just let me read a little,
So I know what's on your mind
'Cause all I want to do is help.

I don't care if you're a singer,
Just sing something to me,
And I can cherish all your gifts
So I'll know I'm worth your time.

I don't care if you like reading,
Just tell me what it's about,
I'll listen to you closely
And I'll remember what you like.

I don't care if you're a dreamer,
Just tell me what that's like,
We can build a dream together
And it can just be you and I.

I don't care if you watch TV,
Just tell me about the plot,
So I can sit and watch too
We can binge it all night long.

I don't care if you like sleeping,
Just leave a space for me,
So I can join you in the sheets
We can cuddle through the night.

I don't care if you like your space,
Just send a text my way,
So I can feel like you're here,
Even when you're clearly not.

I don't care if you want more,
Just give me reasons why,
So when you break my heart
I can tell myself your lies.

I don't care if you don't love me,
Just make sure I'm alright,
So I have someone to turn to
When I can't sleep at night.

I don't care if I'm alone,
Just tell me you're around,
So I can use it to rid myself
Of all the thoughts just like these.

Nobody Believes Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن