Short Story 3

11 3 0

3rd Person POV

She held on so desperately to her moment of rest; sleeping deep without care. She was at peace for some minutes, but the nightmares infiltrated her head. She twisted her face in fear and kicked the blankets. It felt as though she was trapped. Sweat began pouring from her body, soaking her night clothes. She twisted and turned, the images in her head relentless.

Her eyes shot open and she jumped slightly. Her chocolate brown curls were stuck to her forehead and neck. For a few seconds, she couldn't remember anything. She was lost in the sea of her dreams.

When everything came into focus, she sighed. She was used to these nights, but quite tired of them. She got out of bed and pulled off her clothes. She threw her grey sweatpants and black shirt into the hamper, they were drenched in her fearful sweat. She wiped herself off with the hand towel on her dresser, and put on an oversized shirt. Honestly, most shirts were oversized on her small frame.

Throwing on a pair of socks, she walked through the dark, empty house to her living room. She twirled in a ballet fashion over to the grand piano. It elegantly stood in the corner of the room. The moon reflecting off it from the open window was the only thing illuminating the place. She didn't bother turning on any lights, she enjoyed the calm darkness.

Though it was nearly pitch black, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The pale light illuminating her prominent cheek bones, pink lips, dark brown eyes, the rounded tip of her nose, and her tan skin. She looked at the way her body curved; from her breasts, to her waist, to her hips, to her thighs. She felt out of proportion, she saw everything that wasn't just right. Her frizzy, curly hair bounced with each movement as she inspected her disappointing reflection. Again, she sighed.

Taking a seat on the cold stool, she slid her fingers across the smooth keys; the black keys standing out in the sea of ivory. Both beautiful and daunting, knowing that this instrument had brought along some of the greatest songs in history. She felt nervous every time she sat down; as if each great composer was watching her hit the wrong notes. Yet she still wanted the relief. The way it felt to play a song and be lost.

She pressed down on a single key. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the way it rung through the room. She placed both hands on the cold surface of the keys and began to play. The sound echoed off the walls and around the furniture, surrounding her in the song.

She kept her eyes closed as she was transported to a completely different world. One she visited very often. She opened her mouth and began singing along. Her powerful voice drowning out the ones in her head. Her fingers moving automatically across the keys. Performing the song for the thousandth time.

"I need you
Like I've never needed before
You bring me to life
Everytime I see your smile
You could be the only thing
That's keeping me alive
I'll be right here when you come for me
Please, please come to me
I miss your gentle touch
Please, please come find me
I need your angelic voice
Please come right to me
I've been waiting for you to find me
I miss you
So much it's tearing me apart
Did you you forget me?
I may have changed a lot
But I still love you
Could you feel the same?
I've loved you forever and I'll keep waiting for you
Please, please come to me
I miss your lovely laugh
Please, please come find me
I need your adoring gaze
Please come right to me
I've been dying for you to find me
I love you
But I'll never have you
You're my everything
But I'm nothing to you
Darling, why can't you see
You're constantly killing me
A losing battle, but I'll fight my whole life for you
Please, please stop leaving
I can't take this pain anymore
Please, please be with me
Just another moment by your side
Please sing to me one last song
I've died waiting for you to love me
Ooh just love me
Please just love me
Ooh yeah"

When she hit the final key, she let it ring across the room until there was nothing to be heard. She opened her eyes and was startled to see where she was. She'd wandered far into her mind and forgotten about her physical body in the room. She lifted up a shaky hand and wiped a stray tear off her cheek.

She slowly got off the piano bench and walked to the kitchen, her footsteps sounding through the dead house. She began humming softly to herself as she grabbed some water from the kitchen. She took a long sip. Then she simply stood and stared into the darkness. Not moving much or making any noise, just watching the motionless things around her. Letting thoughts consume her very being.

Shaking out of her daze, she took a melatonin and went back to her room. She knew that releasing the things inside her would keep the nightmares at bay, so she felt no hesitation to crawl back in bed. She let sleep consume her once more as she got comfortable in the warm blankets.

Sorry this was so bad. I don't really like it, but it is what it is. Hope you got something out of it. Also, I wrote the song she sings myself. Have a good day and stay safe.


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