I Should Have...

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Frigid December wind blew around the snow,
As I laid in that hospital bed;
Bright white surrounding my pale body,
Wheezing as my lungs tried to shut down,
And my eyes threatened to close for the last time.

Images of your unbothered face,
Still haunt me.
The way you blew it off,
Like the looming danger of my life's end,
Was something you'd been hoping for.

Then I recovered,
And it was simply forgotten.
I was ignored,
I was replaced;
That's how I learned the truth.

I accepted death in that hospital,
Because it was finally clear,
It would end more people's suffering than just mine.
You're cold hands held me underwater,
Rather than pulling me out of the currents.

Simply a realization,
On the edge of my end,
That makes it hard to face you,
Makes it hard to be me:
I should have d i e d.

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