Trust Issues

16 4 0

The Beast lurks outside every building,
Every home.
Everyone meets with it at least once,
Usually more.
Sometimes it stays,
Sometimes it goes,
Sometimes it’s kind,
But you can never tell.
Sometimes it’ll help you survive,
But, more often than not,
It’ll destroy you.

The Beast will break down the doors, 
Tear down the walls.
It never goes for the throat first,
It wants you to suffer.
It’ll slowly tear you to pieces,
Agonizing pain seizes your body.
It will never kill you, 
But bring you so close to the edge,
You’ll wish it had.

After, you’ll be broken and disheveled,
Your bed will be the only place you know,
The Beast is still lurking,
But it’s leaving you alone.
It will be so traumatic,
You’ll build your walls too high,
Board up every window and door,
Set traps all over the floor.
You’ll never leave the house again.
Your starved body will lay on the ground;
Shriveled and cold and lifeless.

In the chance the Beast is kind,
Or doesn’t leave you with a broken mind,
You might see it once more,
But you don’t know which it’ll be,
Until you’re ruined,
Or can’t live without it.

Now I’ll help you to avoid the Beast,
I'll tell you its name;
Only if you wish to know,
And not take your chances.
But it may surprise you,
You may not listen,
But take my words with care,
When I say that the beast's name is

This one has been written for years. It was one of my first poems, but I've changed it A LOT. Hope you enjoyed!


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