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Bursting from the soil,
Revealing vibrant, beautiful colors.
It catches my eye.
I wander from the trail on a path of faith.

One step closer,
Slowly closing the space.
I need to touch it and ensure its real,
Only its beauty holds my eye.

So close to it, I am.
I nearly have it in my grasps,
Then the arrow pierces my heart.
I never saw it coming.

Everything was just a trap.
I shouldn't have trusted faith.
The archer was expecting me,
And I should have expected them.

Now I lay on the dirt,
Bright red, thick blood seeps from my body,
Soaking into the soil,
Feeding the beautiful flower.

The flower is still majestic,
As it lives off my death.
Mt bloodstain can be a warning:
Faith and beauty cannot be trusted.

I wrote this one and the one prior last year. I changed them a lot. I'm still not quite sure I like them, but I hope you do.


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