Chapter 2, Episode 21

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Adrien couldn't believe it. Today was the day, and his heart was pounding. It'd been just over a week since he'd arranged with Luka to meet up and the blond had been thinking about it all week. Now though, his nerves were bubbling, as he sifted through his extensive wardrobe. Of course, he was always supposed to look perfect – father had distilled the idea in him long ago. Adrien could practically recite the speech about public image. Still, the blond wanted to look his best. Something standout, something alluring but confident. Not too flashy. Maybe the green top would complement his eyes? No, he wanted to wear the jeans with holes to show off some skin.

"Adrien," Natalie popped her head through the door, "You'll need to be leaving soon, hurry up." The blue haired woman paused a moment, "The green suits you." She smiled. It was a subtle smile, a little turning up of the lips, where most of the warmth lay in the eyes, but Adrien knew her well enough to know it was a smile. She had become a maternal figure for him, and he was ever so grateful.

Throwing on the outfit, he hurried out into the car, where Natalie began to drive out from the gated mansion to the Couffaine barge. No way. It couldn't be. It was the cover from the photoshoot, projected onto a huge skyscraper. When Adrien had fallen, Luka had caught him and despite them being very close for a few seconds, he hadn't thought much of it. Now, he could see why Vincent had chosen the photo. It depicted him held in Luka's arms, taken right in the split second of intimacy. Their eyes were locked, and even Adrien had to admit it looked like a picturesque romance. Vincent did say father wanted something different and eye catching but this? Father must have approved it before it went on the cover, but Adrien would never have thought he'd have approved this. Although father did want attention for this cover, and this would certainly make a stir. Of course, Adrien should've looked at the photo beforehand if he'd wanted a say in it, but he'd foolishly opted out. How was he supposed to face Luka now?

Giving his thanks to Nathalie, he stepped out from the car and waved her goodbye. A slender figure hopped off the boat, landing with practised ease. The blue haired boy had just from quite high on the boat to the dock, in a way Adrien had only ever managed with the enhancements of Chat Noir.

"Thanks so much for coming, dude." He'd sent Luka a text to let him know he was on his way, but now Adrien's nerves were really kicking in.

"Thanks so much for having me." The blond hesitated for a moment, "Have you seen the cover."

"I did actually." Luka smirked a little, "Not what I was expecting, to be honest"

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea it was going to come out like that, and you know how the fangirls can be, they'll be going nuts." Adrien was babbling now, gesticulating wildly. Normally he always kept his composure, but his face had reddened.

The blue haired boy grabbed Adrien's hands, "Stop. It's okay. I can deal with rabid fans. There might be a few akumatisations, but you and ladybug can handle that." He winked, "You know, it actually helped me with my writer's block. Wanna hear the song?"

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