Chapter 1 Episode 15

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Author's Note: This one is a little bit spicy ;) let me know if this the kind of direction you'd like this to go in future, or if you'd rather it stays less mature.  

Adrien was staring at ceiling. He'd been lying bed for hours now – they had defeated the akuma, and there was no reason at all for him up at these ungodly hours. He was really going to feel the exhaustion tomorrow. Still, he couldn't sleep – his mind kept drifting back to Luka. Initially, he'd thought it was just due to nerves: the blue haired boy held Adrien's fate in his hands. However, the more he thought about the idea, the more the nerves seemed to turn to something else. He almost felt excited. Not at thought of losing Plagg and his role as Chat Noir, but at the thrill of Luka's new power over him. The way he'd pressed against Adrien, the control he'd asserted – it was like nothing he'd ever felt before. He'd been so embarrassed, and even during the fight that followed with Gigantitan, he'd tactically positioned his staff to avoid Ladybug noticing.

As he rolled around in the bed, Adrien blushed, as his hands wandered down towards a tenting in his pants. Thankfully, Plagg was well aware of the plights of teenage boy, and had his own little shoebox in the ensuite bathroom, to give Adrien his own privacy. He'd been trying to avoid doing this, focusing his thoughts on other things, but to no avail. There was something about the allure of the boy, perhaps it was his how he a year older, and taller, and more mature in certain ways. Or maybe something hypnotic in his eyes, his soft features paired with an aura of authority that emanated from the eyes.

Adrien moved his hips involuntarily as all kinds of thoughts ran through his mind. Images of Luka's strong arms pressing him against the wall, rubbing Adrien's crotch through his trousers. Adrien slicked his hand with saliva, and reached down into his pants, gasping all the while. He closed his eyes again before finishing, as he arched his back. As he lay back on the bed, his stomach warm and wet. He wondered what this could mean, drifting off to sleep in finally being relieved.  

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