Chapter 1 Episode 7

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Chat quietly slipped in through the window of his room, having carefully waited till nobody was walking past until that moment. He had gotten so well practised; he knew the rhythms of the house's camera like the back of his hand. He padded along into his ensuite bathroom.

"Claws in" he whispered, as Plagg flew out of his ring, melting away the Chat Noir attire, "Shit."

Even Plagg, who always had a quip, seemed lost for words. Luka had seen Adrien's identity – he had physically witnessed the detransformation. The miraculous were good at obscuring identities that would normally been obvious, something to do with the ancient magic woven into the masks. Of course, even magic has its limits. If somehow saw the transformation itself, the miraculous would not protect the user.

"You cannot tell Ladybug," the Kwami began conspiratorially, "Nor can you tell Master Fu."

"What?" Adrien's jaw dropped aghast, "We have to tell them. This is a major issue"

"Listen here kid," the kwami couldn't walk, but the motion in which floated resembled that of pacing, "If they find out, they'll have to take the miraculous away. It's the rules. Neither of us want that to happen, so we're going to have to keep very quiet."

Adrien felt his heart pump. His chest ached, partially from the injury he'd sustained earlier (the Miraculous could only protect the bearers so much), but mostly from the deceit Plagg had suggested. It tore against his very nature, but as he thought on it a moment, his determination grew. He couldn't possibly give this up. Not only did he help people, but it was his only way to be free. His only escape. Nobody was going to take it away from him, "We're going to have to make sure Luka stays silent."

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