[Fine Line]Part 9: To Be So Lonely [S.S]

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Plot: Sebastian has a girlfriend but he is engaged into an affair with y/n. She develops feelings for him and seeing him go back to his girlfriend every time is hurting her.
Prompts: "Don't call me "baby" again"
"It's hard for me to go home"
"Be so lonely"
Warnings: Angst. Swearing (like four of five time)
Word Count: 1140 words.


Sebastian plopped next to y/n, holding his head in the palm of his hand he watched her naked body laying next to him. "You're beautiful" he smiled down at her "You already said that" y/n chuckled and hugged the blanket closer to her chest. "And I won't stop" he pressed and kiss on her forehead. "Stay with me tonight" y/n took his hand in hers and intertwined their fingers. "I don't know if I can" "Pweeeeaaase" she pouted giving him the doe eyes he couldn't resist "Okay" he gave in and kissed the tip of her nose.

Y/n sat straighter and wrapped her arms around his neck. He brought her closer to him by her waist and pecked her lips. "I love you Sebastian" she spoke softly and bit her tongue right after she realised her words. She never told him that, she wasn't supposed to, it was lust only lust, feelings didn't have their right in their relation.

"What?" He arched and eyebrow looking at her "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" "Don't apologize. I love you too y/n" "No you don't. It's not right, you have a girlfriend, and she loves you. You're hurting her-" "Shut up," he cut her rambling " You worry too much" "I'm sorry. It's just that-" "Sshhh" Sebastian cupped her cheeks and made her look at him "If you add another word I'll leave" he threatened "No, I'll stop" she smiled at him innocently. "I like this better"

"What are you making? I'm starving" Sebastian wrapped his arms around y/n's waist. She was chopping carrots and didn't advert her eyes from the knife slicing the orange vegetable. "Spaghettis with veggies. Like my mama makes them" she smiled. Sebastian peppered light kisses on her neck. "Stop I'm gonna chop my finger" she giggled and elbowed him away "Sorry dragă"

Sebastian's phone chimed in his pocket, he took it and glanced at the caller ID. "I'm sorry doll I have to take this one" y/n nodded and focused back on her carrots. She knew who it was. She called him, whenever she called him he had to answer. He could ghost everyone, even his mother, but he would never ghost her.

"Y/n" Sebastian stood against the counter. "Yes?" She turned around "I'm sorry. I have to go" "You do?" She sassed quickly regretting "Baby, I'm sorry. You know that-" he started but quickly got cut by y/n's angry voice "Don't call me "baby" again. I can't take it anymore Sebastian. I dont want to be an option" "I'm sorry girl. It's hard for me too, it's hard for me go go home" "Don't fucking say that," y/n spat angrily at him "You have a girlfriend and she gives you all of her love," she stabbed his chest with her index finger "She's there for you when you need her while I have nobody. I'm the one who has to be so lonely." Sebastian held her hand that was poking his chest and hurting him.

"Listen to me doll" he started meeting her gaze. She was now crying and her cheeks turned crimson from all her emotions. "No, you listen to me now. I can't do this anymore. I fucking love you and I can't share you with another. I don't want to be the girl you shag when you're done with your girlfriend. I don't want to be the the one you leave after you fucked her brain out. I don't want to be the one that fulfils all of your fantasies. I want you to love me too. I want you to take me on stupid dates on parks. I want you to tell me your not-so-funny jokes. I want to be your girlfriend and you can't give me that."

She was now sobbing hard, she stood a few feets away from him. Sebastian wanted to hold her close to him but he knew that is he touches her she would tell him to fuck off. "Leave" she stated glaring at him "What?" "I want you to leave Sebastian. It's over, this," she moved her hands between them "is over" "But y/n, you can't so that" he stepped closer to her but she backed away "Sebastian don't make it harder than it already is. Leave please" Sebastian's shoulders fell as if the weight of the worlds fell on him, he nodded and walked to the front door. "I love you y/n" he said before leaving and closing the door behind him.


"Mommy, Daddy, look, I'm a plane" the little boy ran toward his parents, his hands were spread like the wings of a plane and he was doing the 'vrrooom' sound with his mouth. "That's good Sebby" y/n patted her son's little head.

He could recognise that voice without any doubt. It was the love of his life. The girl he stupidly lost a few years ago. "Y/n" he mumbled looking around the playground for the girl. He spotted her sitting on a bench snuggled into a man's side laughing at a cheezy joke he made. "Sebastian, let's go" the man got up and a little boys came running toward him. "Daddy I want an ice cream" the boy, Sebastian, tugged on his father's jeans. "Oh yes Chris, I want an ice cream too" y/n pouted giving Chris the doe-eyes she used to give Sebastian. "Okay, let's get ice creams" he smiled and took her hand and the little boy's hand. Sebastian's heart broke at the sight. He was supposed to be the one in Chris' place, he was supposed to be the one to marry her and have kids with her but he wasn't now because he couldn't show her how much he loved her years ago. The fact that she called her son Sebastian warmed his broken heart but it wasn't enough to fix it.

Y/n spotted him standing next to the swing. She saw him staring at her and her boys and sent him an apologetic smile which he returned gratefully. She didn't talk to him deciding that it was better to stay with her husband and son.

The night after she told him to leave she didn't cry. She decided that she'd stop crying over men, she stopped being sad .

After a few months she met Chris. Chris was a lovely man, he was sweet, caring, smart, funny and handsome. And he truly loved her. At their two years anniversary Chris asked her yo marry him which she gladly accepted and officially became Mrs. Y/n Evans. Quickly after their marriage she got pregnant with a little boy they decided to call Sebastian. She never told Chris but the story behind her son's name was hers and no one needed to know it.

𝙎𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙣 [𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu