[Fine Line] Part 8: Watermelon Sugar [S.S]

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Plot: Sebastian is spending the day with y/n and their daughter Sonia.
Prompts: "I want more berries" "It's so wonderful and warm" "I want your belly"
Warnings: None I guess. I realise that what I wrote is really, really, really different from the real meaning of the song.
Word count: 980 words.


"Papa, I want more berries" Sonia said wrapping her little arms around Sebastian's neck "Let's go get some" Sebastian said. He held the little girl in his arms and walked with her to the kitchen to fill their bowl with strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. "Do you know another kind of berries?" Sebastian asked as he put Sonia on top of the counter. "Nop" the little girl answered popping the 'p'. "This," Sebastian started pulling a watermelon from the fridge. "It's a berry too" he said putting is next to her on the counter.

"Noooo," Sonia giggled "It's weally big" she added and took a strawberry from the bowl to compare their sizes. "I know" Sebastian chuckled and started to cut the watermelon.

"Hey" y/n stepped into the kitchen and found Sebastian and Sonia laughing at something. "Mommy!" the little girl got down from the counter with Sebastian's help. "Hey princess" y/n kneeled at her level and hugged her. "Babe your blouse" Sebastian walked closer to the girls. "What's wro- Oh my God Sonia!" She noticed the pink berries stains on her white blouse. "Sowwy mommy" "It's okay, I'll wash it and if it doesn't go, I don't know what I'll do." Y/n smiled at the little girl.

"What were you doing?" the mother asked looking at the two people she loved the most. "Papa was telling me that watewmelon is berry too" Sonia smiled, her little mouth missing a tooth. "You know what else is a berry?" y/n walked to the fridge "Bananas!" she said like a Minion. She held the fruit like a gun and pointed Sebastian with it. He smiled and lifted his hands up. "I want one too" Sonia held out her grabby hands toward her parents. "Here take this one" y/n gave the little girl her 'weapon'.

"How was your day?" Sebastian asked wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'm tired" y/n turned to face him and snuggled into his arms. "Go take a nap. You deserve it" he smiled and kissed the top of her head. "But I don't want to, I want to stay with you and Sonia" y/n pouted. "Okay" Sebastian chuckled and held her tighter.

Sonia joined the hug by wrapping her tiny arms around her parents' legs. Sebastian loved those moments, when he was with his girls. Their hugs were so wonderful and warm. It calmed him from the stress of work and everything. He loved everything about his girls, when they played together, when y/n helped Sonia with her coloring books and when they all cuddled into the couch to watch a Disney movie.

Did I tell you how much he loved his girls? Because he did, he loved them more than anything. First, y/n, his wife. He knew her since he was twelve. She was his first friend in America, he was really shy when he first came from Austria. He was so young, yet he had traveled a lot. From Romania to Austria and then America. She talked to him first. He still remembers that day, she sat next to his during lunch and she made him laugh, a lot. That's when he fell madly in love with her. The boy was clearly whipped for her. When they were old enough he asked her to be his wife. No need to say that she didn't have to think of it twice. She loved his as much as he did and she said 'yes' before he could open the little black velvet box.

Exactly eight months after their wedding she announced that she was pregnant. Sebastian's smile was so bright that even the Sun itself got jealous. He was so happy that he didn't know if he should kiss her, hug her or cry. Finally he did all three of them. It was really hard for y/n to dry his tears. They seemed endless and she started crying too. Tears of happiness of course.

Sonia was born nine months after. It was a really hot summer night, and neither y/n nor Sebastian could sleep because of the heat and they were bored out of their minds. When y/n's waters broke they both smiled. It only took a few hours to get Sonia out of her mommy's tummy. It was the most beautiful day in Sebastian's life. Or maybe the second most beautiful day, the first one being the day he met y/n.

Although he loved y/n more than anything, Sebastian felt like something was missing. Sonia was that thing. When she came to the word, Sebastian',s life became brighter than it already was. He spent as much time as he could with her. He did everything that had to be done for her. Changing the dirty nappies: done by him. Bath Time: with Sebastian. Bedtime story: done with papa. "I'm jealous, you're going to be her favourite one" y/n always joked. "Impossible, you carried her for nine months"

"Y/n" Sebastian sat next to his girl after he took Sonia to bed. "Hm?" she hummed not lifting her gaze from the book she was reading. She was sitting on the couch, her knees raised made the blanket covering her looked like a tent. Sebastian took the book from her hands and put it open on the coffee tale because he knew that she could kill him if he lost the page. He layed his head on top of her knees and looked at her "I want your belly to have another baby in it" he pouted and cocked his head to the side. y/n smiled and cupped his face in her hands. "You want another baby?" she cooed. Sebastian nodded. "Okay" she spoke and kissed him on the lips.

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