Make me laugh [C.A]

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Plot: Y/n stays with Clay in a hospital room after he gets his by a bus.
Warnings: I am not a doctor and I never had any medical formation. The only medical knowledge I have, I got it from the few episodes of Grey's Anatomy I watched with my mama so I'll probably write shit and inaccurate things so if there's any thing that could be fixed, please point it out, nicely, in the comments (TPWK)
Word count: 2800


"I'm from Boston, but not only, I'm also Italian. We still talk with our hands a lot but most of the time we only need one finger" y/n chuckled which made Clay's head shoot toward her, a warm smile spreading across his lips. "I'm proud of you" she said, lips against his shoulder, planting little kisses here and there.

Since he was a kid Clay loved making people laugh. Everyone knew that kid, the one who always made his classmates laugh by doing stupid things and exasperating the professors, Clay was that kid. He felt like it was his mission to bring a little bit of joy and happiness in people's lives.

Being a comedian was pretty hard. When he said that he made joke for a living people always chuckled and added an "Okay, but what's your real job?" The only people who always supported him were his friends and 'coworkers' from Goldie's and y/n.

She was a waitress at Goldie's bar, where Clay and the other comedian worked. Every night when it was his turn to go on the little stage she managed to have a break to watch him. She was his biggest fan and always supported him. Her smile when he spotted her stading by the tables was brighter than any spotlight could ever be.

She was happy for him, Clay made people laugh all over the USA, he was in a new city every week but tonight he came back to Boston to watch his first TV appearance with y/n. "They wanted to put make up on my face" Clay told y/n "You're glowing without make up" she chuckled and lit a cigarette for him.

Y/n laid on the big hotel bed while Clay put on his Converse. "Where are you going?" she held herself up on her elbows and watched him. "Out, I wanted you to come with me" he answered and grabbed his jacket "Nah, too tired" "What if I buy you Bowie's last album?" he proposed "I already bought it. Now if you don't mind imma take a nap" she smirked trying to find a nice position to sleep. "Yeah sleep, you're gonna need all your energy later". Clay wiked,  promising a long sleepless night "I'm gonna need that shirt tomorrow" and finally left the bedroom. y/n glanced at the blue button up she was wearing, his shirt.


A few hours later the hotel phone started loudly ringing pulling y/n from her nap. "Hello?" she said voice raspy with sleep "Miss Appuzzo?" she heard the lady from the lobby ask "Actually it's y/l/n but yeah we can say that's me, what's wrong?" "A woman wants to see you, shoud I let her in?"

"I told you that I know her, we work at the same place" "I'm only doing my job" y/n heard the two women argue on the other end of the line "Uhm yeah, it's fine" y/n said and hung up. She sat on the bed and rubbed a hand on her face trying to wipe any mark of sleep.

Loud banging echoed in the room and y/n got up to open the door. "Put on a pair of pants, let's go" Cassie said, her blonde curls bouncing around her head as she walked inside the room. "I'm sorry what? Can I get any kind of explanation?" Y/n stood by the door, trying to understand Cassie's behaviour. They weren't friend, and could barely stand each other. Cassie used to be something with Clay but their relation didn't work out, she was extremely upset when Clay and y/n announced that they were together and more jealous when she saw that he was happier with y/n than he ever was with her.

"I gotta take you to the hospital" Cassie said pacing around the room, avoiding the cigarettes scattered on the floor and the plates of the dinner y/n and Clay had while watching TV. Y/n stared at her a few seconds and Cassie could practically see the wheels turning inside her brain "Did something happen to Clay?" She asked voice breaking with fear. "He... Clay got hit by a bus" she stopped pacing and tilted her head down, her blonde locks falling like a curtain around her face and hiding the tears threatening to spill.

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