[Fine Line] Part 4: Golden (S.S)

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Plot: Y/n leaves a message on Sebastian's voicemail after their breakup.
Prompts: "You were way too bright for me"
"I'm hopeless, broken"
"I don't wanna be alone"
"I'm out of my head"
"Because hearts get broken"
Warnings: I tried to write a sad thing but I suck at writing drama. So I don't think this will make you cry, unless your a sensitive little bitch just like me.
Words count: 353 words.


"Hey, you just called me but I didn't answer. Leave a message after the beep. "

"Hey Sebastian, it's Y/n. I saw your new girlfriend on Instagram. She's gorgeous, I'm really happy for you. I wish I could have moved on like you did.

Sometimes I wonder why you chose me as your girlfriend. I wasn't the most beautiful girl. You work with girls way more beautiful than me. Actually you were way too bright for me. You were the star, the worldwide known actor and I was just the college student who was doing her internship in a movie set.

People say that I'm hopeless and broken. Y/bf/n kinda hate you, I don't like it when she starts talking shit about you. I'm out of my head, I cry myself to sleep every night.

I don't know why I'm doing this. I don't want you to think that I'm calling you to make you feel bad about our break up, I'm the one who decided to end our relationship. I should delete that message before you see it.

But I wish I could see you, just spend a single night with you. I don't wanna be alone tonight. Fuck I'm so pathetic. I hope you won't make fun of me when you'll get this message.

My mom loves you and she says that I should move on like you did, because hearts get broken, and people manage to move on and I should do the same but I can't.

Everything reminds me of you. The other day I watched 'The Bronze' with Khloé, my niece, I was reluctant at first but I said yes. You know I can't refuse anything to that little girl. I broke down in tears when Lance Tucker appeared on the screen. Even though he's an asshole.

Well, I don't think you're still listening. But if you're still here, I'm so sorry for wasting your time.

I wish you all the good things with your new girlfriend.

I love you Sebastian."

You have a new message from Y/n 💔 press #333 to listen to it.

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