Kirari Momobami

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"What is this? Kirari admitting a weakness?" Rin said.

"I learn." She answered.

Everybody laughed. The ambience was so light. So family-like. No hidden agendas. No animosity. Just sincere smiles everywhere. The door opened and Rei went inside. She brought food and tea for everyone.

"Rei. You don't have to do that anymore. You're part of the family." Rin smiled at her.

"He's right, you know."

"Sorry. I'm used to it." Rei smiled.

"Sit down Rei. Now that everyone's here, I have an announcement to make." Kirari spoke. She looked at you and held your hands. "(Y/n) and I decided to hold a little ceremony. We wanted to get married."

"Married!?" It was Mary that reacted.

Ririka glared at her. She only gave her lover a sheepish smile.

"Yes. It's only a fake marriage for now but we wanted to experience it. And we want you all to be there." Kirari explained.

"I'm 100% okay with this! I'll be the bridesmaid!" Yumeko said with glee.

"No." Ririka pouted. "That should be me."

"Then let's gamble!"


Electricity clashed coming from their eyes.

"Yumeko found another reason to gamble." you said.

"And my twin just had to easily fall for it." Kirari said.

"Alright! Then I'll handle the food!" Nozomi raised her hand.

"I'll take the decorations." Miroslava said.

"Me too. I want to decorate."Erimi joined.

"Ibara and I will find a venue." Rin said.

"I'll handle the entertainment." Sumika said.

"Then I'll take care of the drinks." Miyo spoke up.

"No!!" Everyone said at the same time while glaring at her.

"It's not like I'm going to poison all of you!"

"Hahaha. I'll make sure no poison will be put in the drinks." Miri said. "I'll prepare antidotes just in case."

"That's not very reassuring." you said.


"Kirari. You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." you said.

"Alright, alright enough with the cheesy stuff! Let's get to the action! I want the action!" Runa exclaimed.

Your marriage went on without casualties atleast. Just a few squabbles from the two bridesmaid, Sayaka ugly crying in the corner, Midari firing shots in the air saying it's better than wedding bells, but all in all, everything else went well.



Kirari lied in her Queen sized bed. You were on top of her. The two of you were lost in each others eyes.

"Is it time to remove the dress?" You asked.

"I don't think I'm ready." Kirari said.

"Are you blushing?"

"Am I?"

"You're so cute."

"Have I told you I love you?"

"Not yet"

"I love you so much."

"I love you too Kirari."

You slowly undressed her. Her cheeks getting redder with every garment you remove until there's nothing left. You lied beside her.

"Remove that too." she tugged on your clothing.

"Right. You're so lazy." you chuckled and removed your clothes too.

You laid there side by side. Admiring each other.

"When will you be ready?" you asked.

"Right now." she said and kissed you.


Triple bang!!!!

I'm not so productive with my business today lololol... But I can't help it....

If I become poor, please adopt me

random thought: it's so cute to think that Kirari talks so big, even giving you a kinky life plan, but when it comes to the real thing, she's all shy....woe is her

Obsessions ( kakegurui females x female reader )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum