Obsessions Part 24

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Ririka called Mary on the phone.

"Mary. Help me. (Y/n). She's been poisoned. I don't know what to do."

"Where are you?"

"In the quad."

"I'll be there. Wait for me." Mary hanged up.

Ririka kneeled beside you and put your head in her lap. She wiped your sweat with her handkerchief until she heard Mary running towards the two of you.

"What the hell happened!? What did you do this time!?" Mary shouted at Ririka that surprised the latter.

"I.. didn't do anything. It wasn't me."

"Damn it." Mary cursed.

She called Suzui to carry you to the infirmary.

"Tell me again what happened." She asked calmly this time.

"We were just talking. I admitted to everything I did and she has forgiven me. I think... But then Miyo came. She must have injected poison in her." Ririka explained.

"That son of a.... I'm going to kill her with her own poison this time." Mary said.

"No. She wouldn't fight you. She wants Kirari."

"Kirari? Why her?"

"Because right now, Kirari has the most votes and to win this election, she's the one they should be eliminating."

"So it's Kirari's fault. If she hadn't decided to step down like this and invite the whole family, this wouldn't happen."

"Uhm.." Ririka stared at the ground again and fidgeted with her fingers.

"What? Don't tell me it's you again?" Mary was really pissed at this rate.

"Yes. I was the one who met up with the family and provoked them. They all disgust me. If Kirari defeats all of them, I thought that would show them their places and make them stop targetting us once and for all."

"You really think highly of your sister don't you? You give her pain but you think she can handle everything."

"Yes. Kirari is strong. But part of me also want her to lose. Part of me wanted her to break. I wish those walls she built around her would crumble. I want her to be back to the caring Kirari I knew and not the one we all see now."

"Then what should we do?" Mary asked.

"I'll talk to her. Please take care of (Y/n) for now. And...." Ririka kissed Mary lightly. "(Y/n) told me to have courage. I like you Mary. I like her too. So if you choose one another, I'll try my best to be okay."

Ririka left you and Mary alone. The latter touched her lips and blushed. Then she heard you groaning in pain. She kneeled in front of you and caressed your hair.

"(Y/n). I'm here now. I won't push you away again. I'll be honest with what I feel from now on. I love you." she said and kissed you.


Kirari was walking around the campus lifelessly. Her eyes were puffy from crying. She looked around to find you. The students that saw her kept mumbling and gossiping.

"Is that the president?"

"What happened to her?"

"She looks like a mess."

Suddenly, someone grabbed Kirari's arm and turned her around.

"Ririka. You're sleep walking again." Ririka spoke loudly. She put the mask on Kirari's face. "Let's go."

(Not a typo ^^^)

Whispers can be heard once more.

"Oh. So it's the vice president."

"She's always been weird."


Ririka dragged Kirari towards her office. She made the latter sit. She looked at her sister and the ribbons she was wearing. It was the same one Ririka stole as a kid.

"Why do you love to wear that? Do you like reminding me how awful I am?" Ririka asked.

She removed the ribbon and fixed her own hair the same as Kirari's hairstyle. She put on a blue lipstick and applied blue nail polish. She looked down on her twin who was sitting on the couch wearing her mask.

"I need to borrow that." She said and undressed Kirari. She switched her uniform with her twin.

"Stay here. Get some rest."

Ririka went out and locked the door.

Kirari. I can't let you face them like that. You are in no condition to fight. I'll handle this.


"Do you think she'll come?" Miri asked her older sister.

"She will. The way she cried when I saw her, she was totally breaking down. That girl is her weakness. Only us have the antidote. She will be here."

As Miyo said that, the door opened and Ririka, who was disguised as Kirari entered.

"Give me the antidote." she said.

"See Miri. I told you she'd be here." Miyo said.

"I said give me the antidote." Ririka repeated.

"Not so fast. I still need something from you. If you don't want that girl to die, then relieve your position to me. Easy right? I know you will give up everything for her. So accept my deal."

"What makes you think I care more about her than my position?"

"What?" Miyo was surprised. "This is some kind of trick isn't it?"

"I don't like wasting time with petty squabbles like this. Especially not with a trash like you. If you have no intention of giving me the antidote then fine. Suit yourself." Ririka turned around and walked to the door.

"Wait!" Miyo called out. "That poison is slow acting but lethal. She will die in approximately 24 hours from the time of injection. She will die without this antidote." Miyo raised her hand and showed the cure to Ririka.

Ririka looked back at her with a smile.

"I told you. I don't want to waste time. It's so kind of you to show that to me without having to gamble." she said.


Suddenly a loud bang came from outside. The window crashed and a bullet hit Miyo's hand making her drop the antidote. Ririka took it.

"Thanks." she said.

"Go run now, prince!" Midari shouted from outside and saluted.

Ririka went out.

"Noooooo!!!!" Miyo shouted.

"Miyo your hand! We need to take you to a doctor." Miri said worriedly.

"No worries. Doctor Midari is on the job." Midari went inside through the window. She licked her lips and she had a crazy expression on her face. "You think you're the only one who liked playing with people's lives? Shoot me too and I'll let you out of here. Hahahahahahaha."

The sisters looked at her. Their faces showed fear.



'''some people here liked Midari so let's have her show up hahaha...

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