Obsessions Part 71

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The noise of cutleries echoed in the dining room. You were having breakfast with your new family. You glanced ahead at Karin.

"Who still reads newspapers these days?" Kirari spoke.

"Shush," Karin said. She adjusted her glasses and squinted as she read.

"Is Ririka still asleep?" You asked.

"Mhm. She isn't a morning person."

"Look who's talking. You're literally half asleep while eating."

It was true. Kirari's eyes were drooped. She would have stayed in bed if you had. But Karin wanted someone to dine with. She said it's lonely eating alone.

"Mama. Stay in bed a little late when it's Saturday." Kirari said. "Don't drag my Y/n out of our room this early."

"It's not early, Kirari."

"It is for me!"

While the two are bickering, Ririka went out of her room while rubbing her eyes. Her hair was messy and she was still in her pajamas.

"Why are you in my seat Ririka?" She said.

"I'm Kirari."

"Oh..." Ririka walked nonchalantly on the adjacent seat. Her head instantly slumped on the table as soon as she took her place.

"Wake up!" Their mother shook the sleeping girl awake.

"Good morning." You greeted.

Ririka stared at you and blinked.

"Good morning sister-in-law. Your eyes are so baggy." She pointed out. "You must be stressed. I'm not surprised though, with Kirari as your lover. It must be tiring to take care of someone that lazy."

"Mama. I wanna be an only child." Kirari announced.

"Shut up both of you and finish your breakfast."

The two obeyed. Kirari ate slowly while Ririka took a big bite of her food. She was staring at you the whole time, making you a bit insecure. You fidgeted in your seat.

"What is it, Ririka?" You asked.

"Meet me later." She said then focused on her food.

"She must have thought of something stupid," Kirari commented.


That afternoon, Ririka dragged you into a room. She turned on the lights, making you gasp at what you saw.

"Hello, sir." You bowed.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhm. Showing respect to father-in-law?"

"Idiot. Why would you?"

Ririka handed you a pair of boxing gloves.

"What are these?" You asked.

"Are you that stupid not to even know that?"

"I mean... Why are you giving these to me for?"

"Look." She traced her pointer finger below your eyes. "You're stressed."


"This is where I relieve all the pressure I feel. I figured you needed it. Being president isn't easy. Heck, Kirari was bothered so much about it too. Nobody would know of course, since she had that tough facade."

Ririka assisted you in wearing the gloves then made you face the tied-up man. You examined him. His face was full of bruises. He looked dead but you noted that he was still breathing.

'Did Ririka do this? I thought she was weak. She's scary.' You thought.

"Punch him Y/n. As hard as you could."


"Do it."

"I can't!"

"You could!"

"That man is still your father!"

"He's not! He's only a monster! Y/n. Look at him! Remember. He was the one who ran you with a car. He was the reason you lost your memory. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be separated. Kirari wouldn't have had to suffer."

You gulped. Ririka's words seeped into you. You began to see the man surrounded by red light.

"He hurt Mama. He almost even shot her dead." Ririka continued. "Your mother, he insulted her a lot. Even Kirari. He called her a freak, a monster, but that's not all. He physically abused her. Didn't you notice all the scars Kirari hid?"

You feel the anger starting to rise. You bit your lip, trying not to lose yourself to it.

"Y/n. Do it. Beat that man up. Exploit him as you like."

"You're a devil, Ririka."

"Maybe I am. But it feels so good. Do it, Y/n."

Ririka moved behind you. She hugged you from the back, her face on your shoulder, and began whispering.

"Do you want him to run loose and hunt down the people dear to you? Who's gonna be next when that happens? Mary? Yumeko? Yui? Or... Kirari? Kill him before he kills you."

"Shut up, Ririka. You better stop this. Let's let him rot in jail. I don't want you to turn as ruthless as him."

Ririka moved away from you. You turned to face her and saw the smile on her face.

"You're so kind. He doesn't deserve it."

"I'm not kind. Because..."

You turned around and your gloved fist connected with the man's face. When you withdrew it, blood flowed out of his nose.


"This would be the last. Let's turn him into the police, Ririka. And you, you need therapy."

"No, I don't." Ririka walked away.

You sighed and jogged up to her.


"I'll be fine. I'll listen to you, so don't dwell on it. But... You have to help me."

"With what?"

"Well, without him, I would have nothing to vent my stress onto."

"I'm not volunteering to be your punching bag." You said.

"I won't ask that of you, silly. Instead, eliminate the cause of my stress."

"How? And what are you worrying about?"


"What about her? She was anxious about you too because she believes you're only mimicking her when you got on to the same university as her."

"That's not it." Ririka scowled. "I was nervous this would happen and I wasn't mistaken."

"What is it?"

"Kirari... Is creating another Hyakkaou."

"What do you mean?"

"Just as I said, she's making that institute into an enormous gambling den. And the pet system has been introduced. It's rapidly coming to be a trend and she's in the middle of it. Stop her Y/n."

"Kirari... What the hell."

Obsessions ( kakegurui females x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now