Electric Love (Sayaka x Reader)

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More Sayaka x Reader coz why not _(:з」∠)_

again, not part of the main story 😂


"Go take a break Sayaka. You've been working so hard for the sake of the other council members."

"I can't afford to rest. There's still so much work left to do."

"But I'm worried. There's bags under your eyes. You haven't gotten much sleep right?"

"If you're helping me instead of bothering me, maybe I could finish this faster."

"Well alright. If you say so."

You reached for the papers but Sayaka grabbed your hand to stop you. She stared at you with a serious expression.

"On second thought, no. Just sit there. Don't touch anything."

She let go of you and continued arranging everything on the table. You stayed silent, looking at the hand Sayaka touched.



"Is something the matter? You became quiet."

"It's nothing."

"Are you sure? If you need something, you can tell me. I could pause my work for you."

You blinked twice while staring at her. Her eyebrows knit together. Then she put down what she was holding and moved next to you. She cupped your cheek and put her other hand on your forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever."

"I should be the one checking in on you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, first you grabbed my hand. Second, you're choosing me over your work. Then you moved closer to me and now you're touching me again."


She retracted her hand fast.

"You're not..... you know., going to faint now? Are you?"

"I....." realizing what she just did, Sayaka's face started to turn red. "Just so you know, I'd choose you over work anytime."

"That's so sweet of you." you gave her a smile.

Her blush grew deeper even her ears are red.


Now it's your turn to blush.

"Sayaka! You called me by my name."

"I want to... make this work. This relationship. I want to move forward with you bit by bit."

"I'm happy to know that, but I don't want you to force yourself."

"No that's not it. I genuinely want to do this."

Sayaka grabbed your hands once more and lifted them up between the two of you. She intertwined your fingers. You can feel her trembling. You gave her hand a soft squeeze making her gasp.

"You're hands are so soft." you commented.

"Yours too." she said. "I like this feeling."

Sayaka closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly leaned her head towards you. You did the same until your lips touched.

Her lips are so soft. you thought.

Sayaka wasn't moving. The two of you stayed like that for a few seconds.

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