So Who are You?

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Aly's POV

I am now putting on my tan bra and bright yellow underwear, no one's gonna see them so who cares if it doesn't match? Not me.

Since tonight I am my alter ego, and my actual costume is catwoman, then I will be quirky Patience. I kinda looked like her when I was in highschool. I mean I dressed like that with the sweaters and stuff. I wasn't exactly coolest kid on campus. So I just pull out my outfit for tonight and get myself a water bottle from the fridge I have to drink 64 oz of water a day so I don't get hydrated, My tia called and reminded me that last night, and told me about an app. She up to date on a lot of stuff I'm not.

I got the call from her ans she sounded stressed but when I asked her about it she changed the subject so I won't pry too much. I just talked to her about the boys and Audrey and my English club friends who are very similar to me. She was proud of me for making friends. Honestly, so was I. I was proud of myself.

I pass the few hours til Audrey is coming over with her first night costume. She is joining me with the hero thing and she is dressing up as Black Widow while I am Catwoman. I know that isn't the DC comic version of Catwoman, but when I got the costume made this was the only idea so I just go with it.

So I pass the hours with me reading a Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child. It's the first one and I am enjoying it very much.

Then before I know it Audrey comes over and it is time to get to work on our costumes. I hear the knock on my door and she is 2 hours early.

"Hey you're early," I say looking at her coming in with several bags.

"Yeah, I gotta dye my hair and I wanted company," she smiles as she is in a black t-shirt and jeans she wore earlier.

"Ok, what are we dying it?" I ask her.

"Red, so I look like Black Widow, duh," she smiles at me and pulls the dye out and heads to the bathroom.

"Ok, you need any help?" I ask looking at the girl with the currently lavender hair.

"No," she says smiling at me.

"And why are you dying it?" I ask looking at how pretty the purple is.

"It's fading out and I was going to dye it something so why not do it bright red? It goes with the costume and I have wanted to see what I'd look like with red hair," she smiles at me.

"You're crazy," I laugh at her,

"Yeah but I'm your best friend. Ya gotta love me," she smiles wickedly at me.

"You're right," I admit as I shake my head at her.

She does some suff making a paste with some gloves on in a bowl. I smell the stuff from my chair and it does not smell great.

"Dude that stuff is foul!" I laugh from my desk where I continue reading.

"I know, that's why I didn't want to do it in my bathroom," she laughs and I walk back over to her.

"Seriously?" I ask her laughing.

"It fades away, plus I didn't want to be alone. I get lonely, up there. You need to hang out up there more often." She says as she puts the dye into her hair.

"Don't ruin the tub please by staining it," I say sarcastically as I walk back to my comfy chair.

"I won't I have done this about 10 times."

"What colors have you dyed it?" I ask looking in her direction as she comes out of the bathroom with a shower cap on.

"Green, purple, pink, blue, black, I bleached it white once, and orange, then yellow once. I color my hair a lot of you can't tell," she says smiling at me. "So have you talked to your mum recently?"

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