Ch. 19 - Musical Stylings

Start from the beginning

Since he was already making a name for himself, getting him to produce songs or act in a drama would be a sure way to boost interest in certain projects. Tae had done a couple of small acting roles, but he saved the best producers and scout offers for Yoongi. He wasn't looking to work on any songs himself, but when he said he knew someone else who was, they usually ate it up.

"I like it," he said finally. "And you finished the hip hop song?"

"Yeah, that's the next one."

Tae hit play and nodded his head to the beat.

"Namjoon helped with the lyrics, didn't he?"

"Yeah, we bounced a couple of ideas around. I think it sounds better with his suggestions."

Namjoon was one of the first friends that Yoongi willingly showed his music to. The two of them were friends for a few years before Yoongi realized how much they both enjoyed the genre. Not to mention when he got serious, Namjoon had a powerful rapping style.

He had offered him a deal -- help him with some of his rap rhythms and recordings, and when he got settled at a nice job like his parents insisted he'd have, he'd find him something to do in the company. He knew it wouldn't be hard; Namjoon had a head for business and he had a great work ethic. Like Yoongi, he just hadn't had much opportunity to prove himself, although Namjoon's reason was because he'd pursued his passion in school. A degree in language and literature studies didn't qualify him to work in many places, unfortunately. 

But Namjoon had done more of his fair share already. He'd featured his own rapping on a couple of the other recorded tracks Yoongi had written, and even though working with the two of you had limited how much free time he had to help, he still made time to work with Yoongi on lyric writing and keeping his inspiration up. 

Taehyung had only started hearing his music after that point, because Namjoon had pushed him to share some of it. And he was lucky he listened.

Tae nodded. "He's definitely got a way with words. That's a solid one to send. It shows you've got the talent for making longer verses, and that's a good thing to see especially in newer people." He clicked through to the next one. "What's this one?"

"Oh, it's just a new instrumental piece I was playing around with recently. I didn't put lyrics to it yet. I don't know if I'll send it."

Despite his love for the genre, Yoongi still had trouble being confident in his own work. Although part of that just stemmed from fear of being rejected after pouring so much of himself into it.

Taehyung and Namjoon knew this all too well. It's why they were willing to offer help to him when he asked, even though they usually did very little to alter the original ideas.

"Here's your order," the waitress said as she brought over their food.

Tae flashed her a large smile and she nearly choked on her own words. Yoongi rolled his eyes. Some things would never change.

"So, anything new with you?" Yoongi asked. "Or I guess I should ask, when's your next gig?"

"I've got about a week and then I'll head out again. I know your parents are hosting a charity ball soon, I'll try to stop by."

Yoongi smirked. "Actually, could you stay away? I heard a rumor Jungkook likes someone that'll be there. You might charm her before he ever works up the nerve."

"Who is it?" Taehyung demanded.

"I don't know. Never heard a name."

"I can just see it now. Your little baby cousin, dancing the night away with someone gorgeous. Holding hands, whispering to each other when no one's looking, sneaking off together--"

"Hold on. This is Jungkook we're talking about, the most he'd ever do is probably strike up a conversation about what she's wearing. And even that probably won't go smoothly."

Tae rested his hand in his chin. "You never know. Sometimes you just click with the right person. I'm sure he'll find someone soon now that his big, grumpy cousin is happily married."

"Speaking of, how's that boyfriend of yours?"

"It's hard not seeing him but we're making it work. We've been getting booked at the same gigs lately so it's been hard sneaking around without getting seen."

"I don't know why you don't just make it public."

"If I say something now, it looks like I'm just trying to benefit off his success. I can't do that, I have to establish myself first and then we can announce our relationship."

"For your sake, I hope that's soon. You need to quit flirting with everyone you see."

"It's called being friendly, you should try it sometime."

Yoongi opened his mouth to retort but Taehyung suddenly furrowed his brows. He was  confused, had it gotten quieter?

"What?" Yoongi said.

Taehyung grasped at the phone in front of him.  

The track had ended. 

He'd been so interested in the conversation he hadn't noticed he was listening to it. This was an instrumental piece like Yoongi had said, but it was something else. There was a different tone to this compared to the other songs that his friend had written.

"You should finish this song."

"What? Why?"

"This is going to set you apart, I guarantee it."

And a couple of days later, Yoongi was sending them off to Lee Hansol. From the moment he sent them, he started holding his breath.

If this worked out, it could be his big break.

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