Chapter 18: Is this the Hunger Games?

Start from the beginning

"Fine. I'll just do this" she says. With a wave of her purple glowing hand, my form returns to normal. I can see some kind of powder form into her hand. She blew it into my face. I cough as I swat away whatever that is.

"Now, what secret have you been hiding this whole time from Shelby?" she asks. I am going to reply with something but my own words cut me off. 

"Yeah, so it's true I talk to another girl instead of Shelby. So? I don't want to date her anymore. She gets into too many of my arguments." As soon as that sentence finished, I smack a hand over my mouth. 

"Just what I thought" she says, snapping her fingers. 

"What the heck was that?" I shout. 

"A truth spell" she simply reply.

"What the actual fuck, Adri. I never thought you'd stoop so low" I sneer. 

"I'd do anything for Shelby. She's like a little sister to me. I don't want to see her getting her own heart broken by some bastard" she retorts. 

"Let's just end this, shall we?" I say. I summon a Sword of Darkness. She accepts my challenge by summoning a blade that was purple with glowing stars and sparkles. 

"It's called the Blade of The Stars" she says out. I must have said that out loud without realizing it. 

"Nope, just reading your mind" she retorts. OK then. I just start swinging at her. There is no point in a plan if she can read my mind and anticipate it.  "Ha, if you think that's gunna stop me from beating you, your totally mistaken" she laughs as she dodges another swing. 

"Fine, I'll crank it up a notch" I retort. I throw a black flame at her. She dodges but I smirk. I command the flame ball to return, thus hitting her in the back. 

"Shit" she mutters before flying a bit higher and throwing a purple lighting bolt down at me. 

"What are you? Zeus or something? So unoriginal" I make fun of her attack, which I dodge. She's the one smirking this time. Something begins to rap around my legs and hands and throat, holding me in place. 

"Poor Zaph. I wasn't aiming for you. I was aiming for the plant down below you" she says pointing to a poisonous plant down below. It's vines are sending poison through my vines, infecting me everywhere. "I could let you suffer from the poison which should take affect right about now" she says as my body begins to burn and ache. It feels as though my insides are melting and my bones are cracking. "Or, I could kill you and put you out of your misery" she finishes. 

"P...P...Please. End it here and now" I stutter a bit. 

"Why shouldn't I let you endure this pain for all you've put Shelby through" Adri states. 

"Please" I beg. She sighs. 

"Ugh, you know. Shelby knew the whole time that you have been lying. Just thought you should know before I end you" she says as she raised her sword. "Off with your head, you traitor" she shouts as my world went dark. I am finely at peace with myself. I feel tranquil and calm, as if the world around me makes sense. I can see bright white clouds everywhere. I am in Heaven? But why? Shouldn't I be in Hell? 

"Everyone has a chance to go to Heaven" a voice says. 

"God?" I question. 

"Welcome to a life of peace" the voice replies. I am safe and sound at last.


Ahahaha, welp now that Adrianna's at full strength lets go to her POV for old times sake.


*Adrianna's POV

I can't believe I killed him. I just murdered a former friend of mine. That is just wrong. As I fly to the ground, I am met by Seto and Herobrine on the floor. "Well done, child. I didn't think you had the guts" Seto says. 

"I'm  not a child" I snap. 

"Excuse me? What kind of tone did you just give me?" Seto says, raising a hand. He lowered it fast and struck my face. It stung. "Don't you EVER take that tone with me again!" he shouts. Herobrine winced at how loud Seto is. I slump to the ground. "Get up!" he shouts. I ignore him. "I said, GET UP BITCH!" He shouts again, pulling me to my feet. I feel like pulling out the mirror from my cell. I used my magic to shrink it for later purposes in it. 

"Hey jackass! Don't talk to her like that!" A familiar voice says out. No. It can't be....can it? Have they come for me at last? A magic bolt flies towards Seto and nails him in the head knocking him unconscious. I look to see that I am right. The others have come for me. I can see Jason, Shelby, Katie, Tyler and all of them at the door near me. Herobrine grabs my arm to hold me back. I fight back though. I use the bud of my sword to hit him in the private area. He doubles over in pain. I run to the others, disintegrating the sword in the process. 

"Where's Zapho?" Shelby asks. I lower my head and point to the body still floating in the air from the vines. She cover her mouth in shock and runs out of the room. 

"Shelby!" I call for her. She keeps running. I begin to feel dizzy and wobble. Jason catches me as I fall. "I got ya" is all he says as he picks me up and carries me. It is then I realize that Chessie and Hatter are still with me and the mirror is still in my pocket. I smile in Jason's arms. I am reunited with my friends at last. But Shelby has run away from me because of what I have done. I am a terrible friend. But I will find her and explain things to her. I'll make it up to her.


Hey there wonderlanders,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be writing more for this soon. I also am working on some new stories like usual and I'm entering a screenplay contest. The title of my screenplay is called "The Rabbit, The Queen, and The Looking Glass". Hope that sounds interesting enough. I'll let you know what it's about soon. But for now I must go.

See ya wonderlanders,

AdriWonderland x

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