Chapter 18: Is this the Hunger Games?

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*Seto's POV

 Adrianna. She has so much power. She doesn't quite realize that yet, so I'm using my methods to show her. She doesn't understand that... Wait. Are my thoughts being recorded? Yes. They are. In some sort of book on a website. Wattpad? I think that's the name of it. I must cut off the transmission. Goodbye!


Goddammit. Seriously? Fuck. Thanks to Seto, I have to write this in third person. That ruins my plans. Adrianna's too weak for me to write it in her POV and Herobrine, well, he kinda knows that I used his POV before. So if I use it again I'm dead. Wait a minute. Who's that? In the cell next to Adrianna. Is that? No, it can't be. It is! OK, now I can write the story in someone's POV!


*???'s POV

 I don't even know how I ended up here. I was with the rest of the gang one minute and the next I'm in a cell...again. A knock sounds at my door. It opens to reveal Seto and Herobrine. "Come, dark prince. Your test awaits" Seto says as I walk towards them. I decide to accept my fate. I did feel sad that I was away from Shelby but she seems to be better off without me. I'd only cause her pain if I stay. Our relationship would have never worked. I am pushed through a door and once inside, the door is slammed shut. I am left alone without any knowledge or understanding of what is going on. I walk around for a little, taking in my surroundings. 

I am in some sort of arena with lots of overgrown wildlife. I can also see several wooden structures scattered throughout the vicinity. I am walking towards a wooden tower when I hear another door slam shut. Someone else is in here with me now. I don't know how I feel about that. I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I make my way to the tower finally and climb. As I sit down on the cold wooden floor a voice comes onto some sort of speaker system. "Welcome, young fighters, to the Battle Arena" it says than pauses. Battle Arena? Why am I in a battle arena. The voice comes back "Only one of the two competitors will survive" Another pause. Obviously someone will die in a Battle Arena. That's why it's a battle arena. I just wonder who the poor soul is that has to die by my hand. The voice returns. "One more thing I forgot to mention. Any means"  Oh. Now that just makes this easier. The poor poor soul has to have their life end by the hand of the Prince of Darkness. How sad but that's simply how things must be. If I make it out of this, the first thing I'll do is break up with Shelby. I can't let her suffer from my darkness. If I die, though  that is unlikely, I'll tell the person I'm killed by to let her know that I love her but this is for the best. I hear a countdown begin to start. 5...4...3...2...1...BEEP. I am off. I transform into a bat and fly over the arena, searching for my prey. 

"Looking for someone?" another voice says from behind me. It was ..... Adri? 

"Wait, your the one I'm fighting?" I question. 

"Sadly, yes" she responds. Her eyes were glowing purple but you can tell she is sad. "Well, since one of us is going to die, why not tell secrets that we can take to our graves?" she suggests. 

"Why ask that?" I questioned. 

"Because I want you to admit it" she says crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Admit what?" I once again question. 

"You know what. So who is she?" Adri questions me this time.  

"What are you talking about?" I respond. I have a lot of secrets, I don't know which one she is talking about, honestly. I shouldn't really keep secrets but I can't expose myself. I'd make myself feel vulnerable. 

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