Chapter 27

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I've been in isolation for 24hours. The solitude is driving me crazy. I was in a straitjacket. Nicolas walked in the depressing room with a tray of food. "Why am I here and in a straitjacket?" Nicolas remained silent. "You need to stop this. It's not healthy for you. You could have some serious..."
"Shut up! Don't you ever try to get inside my head. Ever!" I screamed. He slowly came to where I laid practically dead. He sat next to me. Why are mental asylum rooms made of white cushions? Anyways, "Look at me," he begged. I could not master the courage.

He held up my chin gently. He gazed into my eyes. "Your eyes have blue little flecks in them yet, they are brown..." he whispered. I surveyed his own and I felt flustered. Afterwards, he fed me a huge breakfast. I needed it. "You'll be going back to your cell today if you promise to behave." I analyzed the situation. A ghost smile appeared on my face. Nodding, I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. It felt like I was losing my mind. The empty room wasn't doing me any good. I had to get out of here. "You went ballistic the other day, Scarlett. You injured some of the guards in the process." I snorted, "That was the plan." Nicolas held up my chin. "Stop this madness, please. The plan is not to die, remember?" I could sense the hint of worry in his words. What does he expect? To ease his worries, I simply nodded. He heaved a sigh. "Good. Now, get up. I'm taking you back to your cell. Minor changes are: you're getting a cellmate." My head snapped to his direction. My nose flared. "Why would you do that? I want my privacy!" I shouted. Nicolas smirked. "This is a prison remember? You can not have your way in here, princess." He infuriated me. I can not believe he would actually find me a cellmate. Maybe we might be besties.

Walking back to the cells was the most nerve wrecking thing ever. The inmates gave me looks that said she's a loony. I so wanted to wipe off all their smirks. "Oh and uhm, Lenin is still alive. Just so you know." Could this day get any worse! We finally arrived back at my cell and my map was taken from me. I begged Nicolas with my eyes to leave it behind. He fucking ignored me! Not a problem, I probably know this place like the back of my hand now. I am going to set this place on fire. Nicolas took off my straitjacket, he swiftly leaned down to the exposed area of my neck and placed a lingering kiss. Leaving a trail of goosebumps behind and my mind racing. The feelings I got whenever he was around made me feel sort of weird. I release the breath I held when I heard the bars behind me closed shut. Taking a good look at it, it was now reinforced with steel. That can't keep me in forever. I smirked. "That cop has the hots for you." I heard a feminine voice say. I turned around to the bunk opposite mine, a fine looking lady laid there. Taking a closer look at her, I realized it was..."Sasha?" She chuckled. "Hey there boss lady." I was flabbergasted. "How?" I whispered.

"Your hottie cop that just showed his affection to you is the reason." My body went rigid. "Nicolas?" She nodded. "Yep, it was all his idea that I come in here to help you out." She replied.

"You don't look like you have a rotten bone in you though." I eyed her down. She chuckled and came to where I stood. "Innocence is the new bad, Mistress. What better way to fool a cop than with a pretty face and a rotten heart." Her boldness intrigued me. I walked around her to my bunk and sat there. "So Joe saw the rotten egg in you beneath that innocent face? I'm impressed. From being my hairdresser to my business associate and cellmate, stunning." We both cackled the moment we realized just how alike we may have been. "So, I hear pretty boy Brouishkov is recently divorced... You played the mayor like a yoyo." She laughed and I simply shrugged. "I wanted a fresh toy." I replied with a smirk. Her eyes went wide. I quickly rushed to her side and covered her mouth before she could do the word vomit. "Keep it down. We have a prison to set on fire. You know the plans?" She recovered her composure and nodded, leading me to her bunk. She sat me down and checked if the coast was clear. She took out a camouflaged briefcase. I was stunned as to how come I didn't notice it before. "Nicolas said it can not be seen under the bed, unless a person uses the sense of touch to look for it. So we safe." I simply nodded, this was on another level.

🥀 The Life I chose 🥀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon