Chapter 20

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Now that some of my tattooes were gone, I fell inlove with my skin. The one's that remained decorated my back and bits of my arms. I was in my office when a soft knock drew me from the paperwork. Drifting my eyes from the pile of papers and files infront of me to the person who entered the office. Quew. I smiled softly and told him to take a sit. "What can I help with Quew?" I asked him. He cleared his throat, "Tell me how to reach you Adriana." He pleaded. Taking in a shaky breath I walked over to him. "Quew..." instead of allowing me to talk; he gently placed a finger on my lips. Shushing me. That simple touch made my skin tingle. We stood chest to chest and he towered over me. "I want you not to speak. But feel..." he whispered against my ear; sending chills down my spine. He lightly grazed his index fingers on each of my arms. Tracing a faint line on them. The simple act made my body weak. Soon enough he leaned in to me. We were both hesitant at first, the moment our lips touched; our bodies soared. The kiss was not demanding yet it was powerful.

Passion was laced in it. We kissed and touched for what seemed like ages. He was about to graze his finger over my lady parts when Joe barged in. Making us pull away from each other as if the touch burned. Quew excused himself and Joe took a seat. Walking back to my chair; I tried calming my excitement down. "Need some help with that?" Joe queried. My eyes furrowed in confusion. He then pointed a finger at my hardened nipples. Embarrassment was evident on my face as I tried to cover them up with my blazer. Why of all days did I choose today not to wear a bra. Oh yeah, I work from home. Joe found it amusing. "Don't be shy. I've seen much more than that..." he got up from his seat and walked over to my side. He turned my chair around so I faced him. He leaned in and towered over me. Making me less comfortable.

He leaned into me and I stood up; blocking him from going any further. "Listen Joe, I am still your boss. Your Mistress. Now, show me that respect once again. What we had was nothing but a fling and it'll stay that way. Got it?" He nodded and went back to his seat. "Good. Now business of the day?" He cleared his throat before he handed me a couple of files. "Lenin's coworkers from 7years ago. All 20 of them."
The corners of my lips tugged up. I read all the files and I couldn't be more excited. "All ready?"

"At the ranch Mistress. "

"Music to my ears. And Brouishkov?" My voice went sour the moment the name was being formed on my lips.

"Self sabotage Mistress. He's doing a lousy job. Most of his contacts are bailing on him and it seems all he wants from the organization is just money. He doesn't bother delivering the merch."

"Mmmh. He's doing a magnificent job indeed. But, he still needs to learn a thing or two."

The perfect plan formulated in my head and I knew exactly what I was going to do. But first things first, "Let's go to the ranch." Joe nodded in acknowledgement as I went upstairs for a change of clothes. On my way I bumped into Penny and Quew. They seemed to have been having a heated conversation; so I lurked in the shadows. Within a blink of an eye the least thing I had ever expected to see took place. Their lips crashed into each other and they began tearing each others clothes off. Literally. I felt suffocated. My own best friend and...wait is he still my boyfriend? I shook the daze off and walked passed them as if they had been invincible. They only noticed me when I opened the door to my bedroom. Pushing each other away like nothing ever happened. I opened the door and stood there for a few seconds. "Carry on." Was the last thing I said before I closed the door shut behind me.

I can't blame him, he has his needs. Although I thought Penny was into Nick; maybe I had imagined it. I changed into some skinny Jean's, thigh high boots and a spiked-leather jacket.

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